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单词 dogie
释义 dogie  dogie 也作  AHD:  [d½“g¶] D.J.  [6d*&gi8]K.K.  [6dogi]n.(名词)  【复数】 do.gies 【美国西部】 A stray or motherless calf.孤犊,无母犊牛语源:[Origin unknown] [出处未知] 注释:In the language of the American West,a motherless calf is known as adogie.  InWestern Words  Ramon F. Adams gives one possible etymology for dogie,  whose origin is unknown.During the 1880's,when a series of harsh winters left large numbers of orphaned calves,the little calves, weaned too early, were unable to digest coarse range grass,and their swollen bellies “very much resembled a batch of sourdough carried in a sack.”Such a calf was referred to asdough-guts.  The term, altered todogie according to Adams, “has been used ever since throughout cattleland to refer to a pot-gutted orphan calf.” Another possibility is thatdogie  is an alteration of Spanish dogal,  “lariat.” 在美国西部英语中,无母犊牛被称为dogie 。 莱蒙·F·亚当斯为dogie 在 西部语汇 中找到一个词源, 但该词源的出处也是未知的。19世纪80年代,连年酷寒的冬季造成了大量孤犊,尚不能消化粗糙的牧草小牛犊过早断奶,肚子鼓胀“就象装在袋子里的发酵面团”。这样的小牛被称作dongh-guts 。 据亚当斯称,该称呼后来变作dogie ,“整个牧牛区从此用来称呼大肚子的孤犊。” 另外一种可能性是dogie 为西班牙语 dogal 的变体,意即“套索”




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