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单词 dole
释义 dole[dəul]n. 救济品, 失业救济金vt. 发放救济【经】 失业救济 dole 1  dole 1  AHD:  [d½l] D.J.  [d*&l]K.K.  [dol]n.(名词)1. Charitable dispensation of goods, especially money, food, or clothing.救济:尤指金钱、食物或衣物等救济品的发放2. A share of money, food, or clothing that has been charitably given.救济品:一份食品或衣物等救济品或救济金3. Chiefly British The distribution by the government of relief payments to the unemployed; welfare.【多用于英国】 失业救济金:政府发给的失业救济金;福利4. Archaic One's fate.【古语】 命运及物动词)  doled,,doles 1. To dispense as charity.发放的救济2. To give out in small portions; distribute sparingly.See Synonyms at distribute 小份额发给:以小份额发给;少量的配给参见 distribute习惯用语:on the dole  Receiving regular relief payments from or as if from the government.领取固定救济的:从政府或政府一类的机关那里接受固定救济的语源:1. Middle English dol [part, share] 中古英语 dol [部分,份额] 2. from Old English d³l * see  dail- 源自 古英语 d³l *参见 dail-  dole 2  dole 2  AHD:  [d½l] D.J.  [d*&l]K.K.  [dol]n.Archaic (名词)【古语】 Sorrow; grief; dolor.悲伤:悲哀;悲伤;悲痛语源:1. Middle English dol 中古英语 dol 2. from Old French dol, deul 源自 古法语 dol, deul 3. from Late Latin dolus 源自 后期拉丁语 dolus 4. from Latin dol¶re [to feel pain, grieve] 源自 拉丁语 dol¶re [感到痛苦,悲伤]  Dole  Dole  AHD:  [d½l] Sanford Ballard (1844-1926) D.J.  [d*&l]K.K.  [dol]NONE(无词性)American jurist and first governor of the Territory of Hawaii (1900-1903).多尔,桑福德·巴拉尔:(1844-1926) 美国法学家,夏威夷准州首任州长(1900-1903年)




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