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单词 dong quai
释义 dong quai  dong quai  AHD:  [d‹ng kw³, kwº] D.J.  [d&*0 kwe!, kwa!]K.K.  [d&0 kwe, kwa!]n.(名词)A perennial aromatic herb(Angelica sinensis)  native to China and Japan, yielding a root that is used medicinally for gynecological complaints such as premenstrual syndrome, menstrual cramps, and menopausal symptoms. 当归:一种多年生芳香药草(伞形科 当归属) ,原产于中国与日本,取其根药用于如经前症候群、经痛与更年期症状等妇科疾病 语源:1. Chinese (Mandarin) d³ng gu&9{º}  Chinese (Mandarin) d³ng gu&9{º}  2. d³ng  [should, ought] d³ng  [should, ought] 3. gu&9{º}  [return (from the belief that it causes blood to return where it should)] gu&9{º}  [return (from the belief that it causes blood to return where it should)]




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