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单词 draw
释义 draw[drɒ:]vi. 拉, 拖, 拔剑vt. 拖拉, 挨近, 领取, 打成平局, 引导, 抽签决定, 画, 描写, 制订, 草拟, 吸引n. 拉, 拖, 拔出, 抽签, 平局【计】 翻牌, 绘图【医】 促化脓, 拔牙【经】 开给(支票等), 提款, 取款相关词组:draw offdraw oneself updraw rounddraw togetherdraw sth updraw one's knife on sbdraw forthdraw in draw  draw  AHD:  [drô] D.J.  [dr%8]K.K.  [dr%]v.(动词)  drew[dr›] drawn[drôn],draws及物动词)1. To cause to move after or toward one by applying continuous force; drag:拉:持续用力使之向或随某人或某物运动;拉:drew the chair closer to the table; a team of horses drawing a wagon.See Synonyms at &b{pull} 把椅子拉近桌子;拉车的一队马车参见 pull2. To cause to move in a given direction or to a given position, as by leading:拉向:(引导而)使向给定的方向或位置移动:The teacher drew the children into the room to see the decorations.老师带领着孩子到房间里去看布置3. To move or pull so as to cover or uncover something:拉起来:移动或拉动以盖上或暴露出某物:draw the curtains.拉上窗帘4. To cause to flow forth:使流出:a pump drawing water; a blow that drew blood.抽水的水泵;打出血的一击5. To suck or take in (air, for example); inhale.吸气:吮或吸入(如空气);吸气6. To require (a specified depth of water) for floating:吃水:需要一定的水深以使船浮起:a boat drawing 18 inches.吃水十八英寸的船7. To take or pull out:取或拉出:drew a gun from beneath the counter; drew out a fat wallet.从柜台下拔出一支枪;拿出一只鼓鼓的皮夹8. To extract or take from for one's own use:拿出:取出以供自己使用:drew strength from their religious faith.从他们的宗教信仰中汲取力量9. To eviscerate; disembowel.取出…的内脏;开膛破肚10. To cause to come by attracting; attract:因吸引而来;吸引:afraid the casino will draw undesirable elements to the town.担心赌场会把不良分子吸引到镇上来11. To select or take in from a given group, type, or region:选取:从一定的团体、类型或地区中选出或吸收:draw clients from all levels of society.从社会各阶层吸收职员12. To bring to a certain condition or action; lead:导向:导致某种条件或行动;引起:drawn to despair; drew them to resign.陷入绝望;迫使他们辞职13. To bring on oneself as a result; provoke:激起:使自己遭受后果;激起:drew enemy fire.引来了敌人炮火14. To evoke as a response; elicit:博得:引起反应;引出:a performance that drew jeers from the audience.引起观众讥笑的表演15. To earn; gain:赢得;获得:deposits that draw interest at a rate of 5 percent.利息百分之五的存款16. To withdraw (money).提取(钱)17. To use (a check, for example) when paying.开支票:使用支票等付款18. To receive on a regular basis or at a specified time:定期支领:稳定地或定期地接受:draw a pension.领取退休金19. To take or receive by chance:抽签:碰巧拿到或接受:draw lots.抽签20. Games 【游戏】 21. To take (cards) from a dealer or central stack.取牌:从发牌人手中或中央牌取牌22. To force (a card) to be played.迫使对手方出牌23. To end or leave (a contest) tied or undecided.使成平手:撤出比赛或以平局结束比赛24. To hit or strike (a ball) so as to give it backspin.击(球)使之回旋25. To pull back the string of (a bow).拉开弓弦26. To distort the shape of.使…变形27. To stretch taut.绷紧28. To flatten, stretch, or mold (metal) by hammering or die stamping.轧制:通过捶打或印模而使金属展平、延伸或成形29. To shape or elongate (a wire, for example) by pulling through dies.拉伸:通过印模使(如金属线)成形或伸长30. To inscribe (a line or lines) with a pencil or other marking implement.画:用铅笔或其它做标记的器具刻线31. To make a likeness of on a surface, using mostly lines; depict with lines:绘画:(主要用线条)在平面下画某物;用线条描绘:drew a map of the area; drawing landscapes and still lifes.绘制该地区的地图;描绘风景与静物32. To portray in writing or speech; depict with words:描写:语言或文字塑造人物;用文字描写:draws moving scenes of ghetto life.生动地描写了贫民窟生活的片断33. To formulate or devise from evidence or data at hand:推断出:根据手边的证据或资料整理或设计:draw a comparison.做比较34. To compose or write out in legal format:拟订:以法律形式写出:draw a deed.拟订契约v.intr.(不及物动词)1. To proceed or move steadily:前进:前进或平稳地移动:a ship drawing near the shore.船驶近海岸2. To attract customers or spectators:吸引:吸引顾客或观众:The new play is drawing well.这出新剧十分卖座3. To cause a flow of liquid:使液体流动:The patient's veins don't draw easily.病人的静脉血流不畅4. To cause suppuration.使化脓5. To take in a draft of air:通风:吸入一次空气:The flue isn't drawing.烟道不通风了6. To steep in or as if in the manner of tea.泡开:浸透,如同茶的浸泡7. To pull out a weapon for use.拿出武器,以备使用8. To use or call upon part of a fund or supply:提领:使用或呼吁部分的基金或供应:drawing on an account; drew from the experience of fellow workers.从存款中提款;利用同事们的经验9. To contract or tighten:收缩或收紧:material that draws when it dries.干后会收缩的材料10. To conclude a contest without either side winning; tie:打成平手:比赛互无胜负;打成平局:The chess players drew in 32 moves.棋手在三十二步棋后打成平局11. To make a likeness with lines on a surface; sketch.绘画:用线在平面上画;描画n.(名词)1. An act of drawing.拉:拉的行为2. The result of drawing.拉的结果3. Something drawn, especially a lot, card, or cards drawn at random.抽出的签:被抽取物,尤指签、牌或任意抽的牌4. An inhalation, especially through a pipe or other smoking implement.吸入:一次吸入,尤指通过管道或其它排烟5. Something that attracts interest, customers, or spectators:吸引注意的东西:吸引兴趣、顾客或观众:a singer who is a popular draw.广受瞩目的歌手6. The movable part of a drawbridge.吊桥的可移动部分7. A special advantage; an edge:优势:特别的优势;优势:have the draw on one's enemies.比敌人有优势8. A contest ending without either side winning.平手:不分胜负的比赛9. A small natural depression that water drains into; a shallow gully.溪谷:排水的天然凹陷地;浅沟10. Games A draw shot.【游戏】 打缩球常用词组:draw away  To move ahead of competitors.超过竞争对手draw back  To retreat.退后draw down  To deplete by consuming or spending:耗尽:消费或花费而事耗尽:drew down our food reserves.耗尽了我们的存粮draw on  To approach:临近:as evening draws on.当夜晚来临draw out  1. To prolong; protract.延长;拖延2. To induce to speak freely:畅谈:引导自由发言说话:managed to draw the shy child out.设法使害羞的孩子无拘无束地说话draw up  1. To compose or write in a set form; write out:草拟;拟订:以固定的格式创作或写作;写出:draw up a contract; draw up a list.拟订合同;写出一张清单2. To bring (troops, for example) into order.排列:使(如部队)排列整齐3. To bring or come to a halt.挺直:使或来到一个停顿4. To bring (oneself) into an erect posture, often as an expression of dignity or indignation.昂首挺立:使(自己)来到一个直立的姿势,通常用于表示尊严或愤怒5. Chiefly Southern U.S. To shrink when washed. Used of clothes.【多用于美国南部】 缩水:洗时收缩。用于指衣物习惯用语:draw a blank  To fail to find or remember something.找不到或忘记某物draw and quarter  1. To execute (a prisoner) by tying each limb to a horse and driving the horses in different directions.五马分尸:将(犯人)四肢绑在一匹马上,向不同的方向驱马,从而将犯人处死2. To disembowel and dismember after hanging.绞死后开膛或肢解3. Informal To punish severely:【非正式用语】 严惩:The teenager was drawn and quartered for wrecking the family's only car.少年因损坏了家中唯一的汽车而遭到严厉的惩罚draw straws  To decide by a lottery with straws of unequal lengths.抽签:用长度不等的草抽签决定语源:1. Middle English drauen 中古英语 drauen 2. from Old English dragan 源自 古英语 dragan




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