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单词 Alcyone
释义 Alcyone  AHD:  [²l-sº“…-n¶] D.J.  [#l6sa!*ni8]K.K.  [#l6sa!*ni]n.(名词)1. Greek Mythology The daughter of Aeolus who, in grief over the death of her husband Ceyx, threw herself into the sea and was changed into a kingfisher.【希腊神话】 亚克安娜:埃俄罗斯之女,因哀伤其夫赛伊克斯之死而投海自尽,后变为翠鸟2. Greek Mythology A nymph, one of the Pleiades.【希腊神话】 亚克安娜:森林女仙,为普勒阿得斯神之一3. Astronomy The brightest star in the Pleiades, in the constellation Taurus.【天文学】 昴宿六:金牛星座昴星团中最亮的一颗星语源:1. Latin 拉丁语 2. from Greek Alkuon¶ 源自 希腊语 Alkuon¶ 3. from alku½n [kingfisher] 源自 alku½n [翠鸟]




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