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单词 drill
释义 drill[dril]n. 钻孔机, 钻子, 播种机, 粗斜纹布vt. 训练, 钻孔vi. 训练, 钻孔【医】 锥, 钻 drill 1  drill 1  AHD:  [dr¹l] D.J.  [dr!l]K.K.  [dr!l]n.(名词)1. An implement with cutting edges or a pointed end for boring holes in hard materials, usually by a rotating abrasion or repeated blows; a bit.钻:带切割刃或尖端的工具,用于在坚硬材料上钻孔,一般靠旋转磨损或反复击打实现钻孔;钻头2. The hand-operated or hand-powered holder for this implement.钻孔机:此工具的手动或手工操作的夹具3. A loud, harsh noise made by or as if by a powered tool of this kind.噪音:由或好象由这类电动钻发出的响而刺耳的声音4. Disciplined, repetitious exercise as a means of teaching and perfecting a skill or procedure.训练:受控制的、反复的练习,以做为转授或完成一项技术或程序的手段5. A task or exercise for teaching a skill or procedure by repetition:演习:为传授技术或程序而反复做的任务或练习:conducted an air-raid drill; a drill for learning the multiplication tables.进行空袭演习;学习乘法表的一项练习6. The training of soldiers in marching and the manual of arms.操练士兵:对士兵进行前进和使用武器的训练7. Any of various marine gastropod mollusks, chiefly of the genusUrosalpinx,  that bore holes into the shells of bivalve mollusks. U. cinera  is destructive to oysters. 海洋腹足动物:海洋腹足纲软体动物,主要指在双壳类软体动物的贝壳上钻孔的骨螺 属。该属的 尾角螺 对牡蛎十分有害 v.(动词)  drilled,,drills及物动词)1. To make a hole in (a hard material) with a drill:钻孔:用钻头在(硬材料)上打孔:a bit for drilling masonry.用于在砖石建筑上打孔的冲子2. To make (a hole) with or as if with a drill:钻孔:用钻头或类似钻头的工具打(孔):drills holes in trees with its chisellike bill.用凿子一样的啄在树上打洞3. To strike or hit sharply:尖锐地打或击:The batter drilled a single through the infield.击球员单枪匹马直入内野4. To instruct thoroughly by repetition in a skill or procedure:训练:一项技术或过程经重复而完全学会:drill pupils in grammar.经反复训练使学生完全掌握语法5. To infuse knowledge of or skill in by repetitious instruction.See Synonyms at practice See Synonyms at teach 灌输:经反复讲解传授知识或技术参见 practice参见 teach6. To train (soldiers) in marching and the manual of arms.练兵:训练(士兵),行进和使用武器v.intr.(不及物动词)1. To make a hole with or as if with a drill.钻孔:用钻或类似钻的工具打洞2. To perform a training exercise.操练:进行练习语源:1. Obsolete Dutch dril 已废荷兰语 dril 2. from drillen [to bore] 源自 drillen [钻孔] 3. from Middle Dutch drillen * see  ter…- 1源自 中古荷兰语 drillen *参见 ter…- 1继承用法:drill“er  n.(名词) drill 2  drill 2  AHD:  [dr¹l] D.J.  [dr!l]K.K.  [dr!l]n.(名词)1. A shallow trench or furrow in which seeds are planted.条播沟:撒种的浅沟或犁沟2. A row of planted seeds.条播种子:一排播下的种子3. A machine or implement for planting seeds in holes or furrows.条播机:用以在洞或犁沟中播种的机器或设备及物动词)  drilled,,drills 1. To sow (seeds) in rows.条播(种子):成排播种2. To plant (a field) in drills.在(土地)上条播语源:1. Perhaps from drill [rill] 可能源自 drill [小溪] 2. from Middle English drille [sip] 源自 中古英语 drille [小口喝]  drill 3  drill 3  AHD:  [dr¹l] D.J.  [dr!l]K.K.  [dr!l]n.(名词)Durable cotton or linen twill of varying weights, generally used for work clothes.粗斜纹布:重量各异而且耐穿的棉或麻斜纹布,一般用于做工作用语源:1. Short for drilling drilling的简写 2. alteration of German Drillich 德语 Drillich的变化 3. from Middle High German drilich 源自 中古高地德语 drilich 4. from Old High German dril&9{ºh} 源自 古高地德语 dril&9{ºh} 5. alteration of Latin tril&9{ºx}  tril&9{º}c- [triple-twilled] * see  trellis 拉丁语 tril&9{ºx的变化}  tril&9{º}c- [三重斜纹的] *参见 trellis drill 4  drill 4  AHD:  [dr¹l] D.J.  [dr!l]K.K.  [dr!l]n.(名词)A baboon(Papio leucophaeus)  of western Africa, related to and resembling the mandrill. 鬼狒:一种西非产(鬼狒 狒狒属) ,与典型山魈有关并与其类似 语源:[Possibly of West African origin] [可能源于西非]




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