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单词 Du Pont de Nemours
释义 Du Pont de Nemours  Du Pont de Ne.mours  AHD:  [d› p¼nt“ d… n…-m‹r“, dü pô’“] Pierre Samuel (1739-1817) D.J.  [du8 6pKnt d* n*6m&*, dju8 6p%80]K.K.  [du 6p$nt d* n*6m&r, dju 6p%0]NONE(无词性)French-born economist and politician who took part in negotiations after the American Revolution (1783) and in the acquisition of the Louisiana Territory (1803). His sonÉleuthère Irénée  (1771-1834) established a gunpowder works in Delaware (1802) that developed into the chemical firm of E.I. Du Pont de Nemours and Company. His grandson Samuel Francis  (1803-1865) was a Union admiral during the Civil War. 杜邦·德内穆尔,皮尔·塞缪尔:(1739-1817) 法裔美籍经济学家与政治家,参加了美国革命后的谈判(1783年)及对路易斯安那州领土的购买(1803年),其子埃勒特里·雷内 (1771-1834年)在特拉华州建立火药工厂(1802年),该工厂后发展成为EI杜邦·德内穆尔化学公司,其孙 塞缪尔·弗朗西斯 (1803-1865年)在内战期间任联邦海军上将




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