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单词 each
释义 each[i:tʃ]a. 每个, 每一ad. 每个pron. 每个, 个人, 各自相关词组:each and everyeach other each  each  AHD:  [¶ch] D.J.  [i8t.]K.K.  [it.]adj.Abbr. ea.(形容词)缩写 ea.Being one of two or more considered individually; every:每,各:两个或多个中的一个;每个:Each person cast a vote. My technique improved with each lesson.每人投一票。我的技巧每节课都有提高pron.(代词)Every one of a group considered individually; each one.各个,每一个:一组中视为单个个体的一个;每一个adv.(副词)For or to each one; apiece:对每个地;每一:ten cents each.每个十分钱语源:1. Middle English ech 中古英语 ech 2. from Old English &9{Ælc} * see  l&9{º}k- 源自 古英语 &9{Ælc} *参见 l&9{º}k- 用法:1. The traditional rule holds thatwhen the subject of a sentence begins witheach,  it is grammatically singular,and the verb and following pronouns must be singular as well: 传统规则规定,当句子的主语以each 开始时, 语法上讲是单数形式,所以动词及相应的代词也必须使用单数形式: Each of the suites has (not &I{have} ) &I{its}  (not &I{their} ) &I{own private entrance}  (not &I{entrances} ). 每个套间都有(不是 have ) 它 (不是 their ) 自己的单独入口 (不是 entrances )。 2. Wheneach  follows a plural subject, however, the verb and subsequent pronouns remain in the plural: 当each 位于一个复数主语后面, 则动词和其后的代词仍为复数形式: The suites each have their own private entrances (not &I{has its own private entrance} ). 每个套间都有它们各自单独的入口(不是 has it's own private entrance )。 3. An exception is made wheneach  follows the verb with a first-person plural subject: one may say eitherWe boys have each our own room or We boys have each his own room,  though the latter form is somewhat stilted in modern use. ·The expressioneach and every  is likewise followed by a singular verb and singular pronoun in formal style: 一个例外是当each 前面动词带有第一人称复数形式的主语时: 既可以说我们男孩子们每人都有各自的一间房 或者也可以说 我们男孩子们每人都有他各自房间 , 虽然后一形式在现代用法中有些过时。这种表达each and every , 在正式文体中的后面也同样地使用单数动词和单数的代词: Each and every driver knows (not &I{know} ) &I{what his or her}  (not &I{their} ) &I{job is to be.}  See Usage Note at &b{every} ,&b{he} &+{1}每一位驾驶员都清楚(不是 know ) 她或他的工作 (不是 their ) 是什么  参见 every,he1




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