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单词 ease
释义 ease[i:z]n. 安乐, 安逸, 悠闲vt. 使安乐, 使安心, 减轻, 放松vi. 减轻, 放松, 灵活地移动【经】 趋疲相关词组:ease sb of sthwith ease ease  ease  AHD:  [¶z] D.J.  [i8z]K.K.  [iz]n.(名词)1. The condition of being comfortable or relieved.舒适,轻松:安适或放松的状态2. Freedom from pain, worry, or agitation:不痛苦,不担心:没有痛苦、烦恼或愤怒:Her mind was at ease knowing that the children were safe.听说孩子们都很安全,她才放心3. Freedom from constraint or embarrassment; naturalness.See Synonyms at rest 1不拘束,自在:没有感到不安、拘谨;自然参见 rest14. Freedom from difficulty, hardship, or effort:轻易,安逸:没有困难、艰辛或费力:rose through the ranks with apparent ease.非常轻易地升级5. Readiness or dexterity in performance; facility:灵巧,方便:轻松或灵巧的表演;简易之事:She practiced until she could play the sonata with ease.她不断练习奏鸣曲直到熟练为止6. Freedom from financial difficulty; affluence:宽裕:没有金钱上的困难;富裕:a life of luxury and ease.富裕轻松的生活7. A state of rest, relaxation, or leisure:休息、放松或休闲的状态:He took his ease by the swimming pool.他在游泳池边休息v.(动词)  eased,,及物动词)1. To free from pain, worry, or agitation:解除痛苦、忧愁或烦恼:He eased his conscience by returning the stolen money.还了偷来的钱,他的心理才得到了安宁2. To lessen the discomfort or pain of:减轻不适或痛楚:She shifted position so as to ease her back.她换了一下姿势以舒缓她的背3. To alleviate; assuage:减轻;和缓:prescribed a drug to ease the pain.拿药以减轻病痛4. To give respite from:延缓:从…获得缓解:eased the burden on her staff by hiring temporary help.雇临时职员以减轻她手下人员的负担5. To slacken the strain, pressure, or tension of; loosen:松弛:减少紧张、压力或强度;松开:ease off a cable.松开缆绳6. To reduce the difficulty or trouble of:减少困难或麻烦:ease credit terms; eased the entrance requirements.放宽贷款条件;降低入学标准7. To move or maneuver slowly and carefully:缓缓移动:缓慢并小心地移动或操纵:eased the car into a narrow space; eased the director out of office.将车缓慢驶入狭窄空间;小心地将董事送出办公室v.intr.(不及物动词)1. To lessen, as in discomfort, pressure, or stress:缓解,减少:减轻不适、压力或强度:pain that never eased.从未减轻的疼痛2. To move or proceed with little effort:轻松前进:不费吹灰之力地移动或前进:eased through life doing as little as possible.过安逸轻松的生活习惯用语:at ease  1. In a relaxed position, especially standing silently at rest with the right foot stationary:舒适:放松的姿势,尤指右脚不动安静地站着休息:put the soldiers at ease while waiting for inspection.等待检阅时让士兵们稍息2. Used as a command for troops to assume a relaxed position.稍息:用于让队伍呈放松姿势的口令语源:1. Middle English ese 中古英语 ese 2. from Old French aise 源自 古法语 aise 3. perhaps from Latin adiac¶ns [lying near] * see  adjacent 可能源自 拉丁语 adiac¶ns [就近躺卧歇息] *参见 adjacent




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