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单词 east
释义 east[i:st]n. 东方, 东a. 东方的, 向东的ad. 向东方, 朝东方相关词组:in the east of...on the east of... east  east  AHD:  [¶st] D.J.  [i8st]K.K.  [ist]n.Abbr. E,E.,e,e.(名词)缩写 E,E.,e,e.1. The cardinal point on the mariner's compass 90&9{=} clockwise from due north and directly opposite west.东方:航海罗盘上一个基本方位,正北方向顺时钟转90°或指正西的相反方向2. The direction of the earth's axial rotation.地球自转的方向3. An area or a region lying in the east.东部地区:处于东面的区域或地带4. Often East 常作 East 5. The eastern part of the earth, especially eastern Asia.东方:地球的东部,尤指东亚6. The eastern part of a region or country.东部:一个地区或国家的东部7. Often East 常作 East 8. The region of the United States east of the Allegheny Mountains and north of the Mason-Dixon Line.美国东部各州:美国阿勒格尼山的东面及梅森-狄克森南北分界线以北的地域9. The former Communist bloc of countries in Asia and especially in Eastern Europe.东方集团:以前由亚洲和特别是东欧几个国家组成的共产主义集团adj.Abbr. E,E.,e,e.(形容词)缩写 E,E.,e,e.1. To, toward, of, facing, or in the east.东方的:向东方的、朝向东方的、面对东方的、或位于东方的2. Originating in or coming from the east:起源或来自东面的:a cool east wind.凉爽的东风adv.Abbr. E,E.,e,e.(副词)缩写 E,E.,e,e.In, from, or toward the east.东方地:在东方地、来自东方地或朝向东方地语源:1. Middle English est 中古英语 est 2. from Old English ¶ast * see  aus- 源自 古英语 ¶ast *参见 aus-




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