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单词 eastern
释义 eastern['i:stən]n. 东方人, 东正教徒a. 东方的, 向东的, 自东的【经】 东部的 eastern  east.ern  AHD:  [¶“st…rn] D.J.  [6i8st*n]K.K.  [6ist*n]adj.(形容词)1. Situated in, toward, or facing the east.东方的,向东的:处于、朝向或面对东部的2. Coming from the east:从东方来的:eastern breezes.东风3. Native to or growing in the east.东部本地的或长自东部的4. Often Eastern Of, relating to, or characteristic of eastern regions or the East.常作 Eastern 东方的:东部的、与之有关的或具有东方特征的5. Eastern Eastern 6. Of or relating to the Eastern Church.东派教会的:与东派教会有关的7. Of or relating to the Eastern Orthodox Church.东正教的:东正教会的及有关的语源:1. Middle English estern 中古英语 estern 2. from Old English ¶asterne * see  aus- 源自 古英语 ¶asterne *参见 aus- 继承用法:east“ernness”  n.(名词)




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