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单词 eat
释义 eat[i:t]vt. 吃, 腐蚀vi. 吃, 腐蚀相关词组:eat one's wordseat ofeat offeat outeat up eat  eat  AHD:  [¶t] D.J.  [i8t]K.K.  [it]v.(动词)  ate[³t] eat.en[¶t“n],eats及物动词)1. To take into the body by the mouth for digestion or absorption.吃:用嘴将物体摄入体内以消化或吸收2. To include habitually or by preference in one's diet:爱吃,习惯吃:由于习惯或偏好而经常吃:a bird that eats insects, fruit, and seeds; stopped eating red meat on advice from her doctor.习惯吃昆虫、水果和种子的鸟;她听医生的劝告停止吃红色肉类3. To consume, ravage, or destroy by or as if by ingesting:吞,蛀蚀:通过或象是通过消化来消耗、破坏:“Covering news in the field eats money”(&b{George F. Will})“隐藏这一行业的消息会亏钱”(乔治F.威尔)4. To erode or corrode:侵蚀,吞噬:waves that ate away the beach; an acid that eats the surface of a machine part.海浪侵蚀海滩;腐蚀机器零件表层的酸5. To produce by or as if by eating:啮食成…:啮或象是侵蚀而成:Moths ate holes in our sweaters.蛾把我们的毛衣上咬出小洞6. Slang To absorb the cost or expense of:【俚语】 吸收,收回:承担费用与损耗:“You can eat your loss and switch the remaining money to other investment portfolios”(&b{Marlys Harris})“你可以把损失吸收掉,然后用剩下的钱转而做其他投资”(马利斯·哈里斯)7. Informal To bother or annoy:【非正式用语】 烦恼或干扰:What's eating him?什么事让他烦恼?v.intr.(不及物动词)1. To consume food.吃东西2. To have or take a meal.用餐3. To exercise a consuming or eroding effect:侵蚀,腐蚀:正在侵蚀或产生侵蚀性效果:a drill that ate away at the rock; exorbitant expenses that were eating into profits.锤子把岩石敲掉;过度的花费会消耗利润4. To cause persistent annoyance or distress:使困扰,使烦恼:引起持续的烦恼或不安:“How long will it be before the frustration eats at you?”(&b{Howard Kaplan})“沮丧还会困扰你多久?”(霍华德·卡普兰)常用词组:eat up 【俚语】  To receive or enjoy enthusiastically or avidly:贪婪地吸收,为…欢呼:极热情地接受或贪婪地享用:She really eats up the constant publicity.她经常被宣传而乐不可支习惯用语:eat crow  To be forced to accept a humiliating defeat.被迫承认屈辱性的失败eat (one's) heart out  1. To feel bitter anguish or grief.痛苦:感到痛苦或沉痛2. To be consumed by jealousy.极度嫉妒:被嫉妒心苦苦折磨着eat (one's) words  To retract something that one has said.食言:对自己说的话又反悔eat out of (someone's) hand  To be manipulated or dominated by another.受制于人:被他人控制或主宰着eat (someone) alive【俚语】  To overwhelm or defeat thoroughly:推翻或彻底打败:an inexperienced manager who was eaten alive in a competitive corporate environment.在各大公司的竞争中,一位毫无经验的经理被彻底打垮语源:1. Middle English eten 中古英语 eten 2. from Old English etan * see  ed- 源自 古英语 etan *参见 ed- 继承用法:eat“er  n.(名词)参考词汇:1. eat,consume,devour,ingest2. The central meaning shared by these verbs is “to take food into the body by the mouth”: 这些词共有的一个中心意义是“用嘴将食物摄入体内”: whales ingesting krill. 鲸鱼摄取磷虾




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