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单词 economic
释义 economic[,i:kə'nɒmik]a. 经济上的, 实用的, 节省的【经】 经济的 economic  ec.o.nom.ic  AHD:  [µk”…-n¼m“¹k, ¶”k…-] D.J.  [7ek*6nKm!k, 7i8k*-]K.K.  [7Wk*6n$m!k, 7ik*-]adj.(形容词)1. Of or relating to the production, development, and management of material wealth, as of a country, household, or business enterprise.经济的:物质财富的生产、发展和管理的或与之有关的,如国家、家庭或商业企业的2. Of or relating to an economy:经济的或与之有关的:a period of sustained economic growth.持续的经济增长期3. Of or relating to the science of economics:经济学的或与之有关的:new economic theories regarding the effects of deficit spending.关于赤字开支效应的新经济学理论4. Of or relating to the practical necessities of life; material:实用的:有关实际生活必需品的;物质的:wrote the book primarily for economic reasons.写这本书主要是为了现实的理由5. Financially rewarding; economical:值得的:财政上有益的;经济节约的:It was no longer economic to keep the manufacturing facilities open.维持生产设备的营运已经不值了6. Efficient; economical:有效的;经济的:an economic use of home heating oil.家用燃油的有效使用




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