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单词 edge
释义 edge[edʒ]n. 边缘, 尖锐, 刀刃, 优势vt. 使锐利, 挤进, 镶边vi. 缓缓移动【化】 边【医】 边缘, 缘相关词组:edge sb ongive sb the edge of one's tongueon edgeon a razor's edge edge  edge  AHD:  [µj] D.J.  [ed9]K.K.  [Wd9]n.(名词)1. A thin, sharpened side, as of the blade of a cutting instrument.利刃:一种薄而锋利的侧边,如切割用具的刀锋2. The degree of sharpness of a cutting blade.锋利程度:切割刀锋的锋利程度3. A penetrating, incisive quality:尖锐,锐利:透彻、深刻的特性:“His simplicity sets off the satire, and gives it a finer edge”(&b{William Hazlitt})“他的淳朴反而具有讽刺意味且令人印象深刻”(威廉·黑兹利特)4. Keenness, as of desire or enjoyment; zest:渴望,热衷:欲望或欢乐的强烈;狂热:The brisk walk gave an edge to my appetite.轻松的散步使我的食欲增加不少5. The line of intersection of two surfaces:缘,端:两平面相接处的交线:the edge of a brick; the rounded edges of the table.砖块的边缘;桌子的弧形桌缘6. A rim or brink:边缘,棱边:the edge of a cliff.悬崖的边缘7. The area or part away from the middle; an extremity:末端:远离中心的地区或部分;极端:lifted the edge of the carpet.掀起地毯的末端8. A dividing line; a border:边界:分界线;边界:a house on the edge of town.See Synonyms at &b{border} 城镇边界的房屋参见 border9. A point of transition:转折点:on the edge of war.在开战的边缘10. A margin of superiority; an advantage:优势的程度;强势:a slight edge over the opposition.See Synonyms at &b{advantage} 比对手稍具优势参见 advantagev.(动词)  edged,,及物动词)1. To give an edge to (a blade); sharpen.给(刀刃)磨边;使锋利2. Sports To tilt (a ski or both skis) in such a way that an edge or both edges bite into the snow.【体育运动】 倾斜雪板:使(一只或两只)雪板一侧或双侧都切入雪中3. To put a border or edge on:在…上加边界:edged the quilt with fanciful embroidery.棉被边缘被镶上奇特的镶边4. To act as or be an edge of:作为…的边界:flowers that edged the garden path.沿着花园小径开放的花朵5. To advance or push slightly or gradually:使渐进:缓慢或逐渐地前进或推进:The dog edged the ball toward the child with its nose.狗用鼻子把球慢慢推给孩子6. To trim or shape the edge of:修整:修剪边缘或给边缘造型:edge a lawn.修整草地v.intr.(不及物动词)To move gradually or hesitantly:缓慢或迟疑地移动:The child edged toward the door.这孩子慢慢走向门常用词组:edge out  To surpass or beat by a small margin:排挤掉:以微弱优势超过或胜过:The downhill racer edged her opponent out on the middle stretch.下坡滑雪赛的选手将她的对手慢慢挤出中央跑道习惯用语:on edge  Highly tense or nervous; irritable.紧张的:高度紧张或不安的;易怒的on the edge  1. In a precarious position.边界状态:处于不稳定的状态2. In a state of keen excitement, as from danger or risk:激动,兴奋:处于高度兴奋状态,如由危险或冒险引起的:“the excitement of combat, of living on the edge”(&b{Nelson DeMille})“由一触即发的战斗引起的激动”(纳尔逊·德米耶)语源:1. Middle English egge 中古英语 egge 2. from Old English ecg * see  ak- 源自 古英语 ecg *参见 ak- 继承用法:edge“less  adj.(形容词)




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