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单词 -ee
释义 -ee 1  -ee 1  suff.(后缀)1. One that receives or benefits from a specified action:动作的承受者:特定动作的承受者或受益者:addressee.收信人2. One that possesses a specified thing:某物的拥有者:mortgagee.抵押人3. One that performs a specified action:实行某一行为的人:absentee.缺席者语源:1. Middle English 中古英语 2. from Anglo-Norman -e, -ee [past participle suff.] 源自 英法语 -e, -ee [后缀,表“过去完成式”] 3. from Latin -³tus * see  -ate 1源自 拉丁语 -³tus *参见 -ate1用法:Reflecting its origins in the French passive participle ending-é  (feminine -ée ), the suffix-ee  was first used in English to refer to indirect objects and then direct objects of transitive verbs,particularly in legal contexts (as indonee, lessee, or trustee ) and military and political jargon ( draftee, trainee, or nominee ). Beginning around the mid-19th century,primarily in American English,it was often extended to denote the agent or subject of an intransitive verb;for example,standee, returnee, or attendee.  Although the pattern is very commonand a number of these coinages,such ashonoree, deportee,  and escapee,  have become widely accepted, in generalthey retain an informal character as jocular nonce words.反应出该词缀源自法语过去完成式的词尾-e (阴性 -ee )。 后缀-ee 起先用于英语中是指间接宾语, 后来才指及物动词的直接宾语,特别在法律用语中(如donee,lessee 或 trustee )及军事、政治用语( draftee,trainee 或 nominee )。 从19世纪中叶左右开始,主要在美国英语中,该词常被扩展成表示不及物动词的施事者或主体,如:standee,returnee 或 attendee。  尽管这种类型是非常普遍的,并且大量的这种新造词,如honoree,deportee 及 escapee 都已被广泛接受, 但一般来讲,这些词仍带有非正式色彩的作为玩笑式的临时生造词 -ee 2  -ee 2  suff.(后缀)1. One resembling:与某物(人)相象:goatee.山羊胡子2. A particular, especially a diminutive kind of:特指小型的:特殊种类,尤指小型的:bootee.幼儿无线鞋3. One connected with:与…有关:bargee.驳船上的船员语源:Variant of -y 1-y1的变体  EE.  EE.  abbr.(略语)1. Electrical engineer.电子工程师2. Electrical engineering. Electrical engineering. ee  .ee  abbr.(略语)Estonia [in Internet addresses] Estonia[in Internet addresses]  ee.  ee.  abbr.(略语)Errors excepted.错误例外




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