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单词 efface
释义 efface[i'feis]vt. 抹去, 消除, 忘却 efface  ef.face  AHD:  [¹-f³s“] D.J.  [!6fe!s]K.K.  [!6fes]及物动词)  ef.faced,, 1. To rub or wipe out; erase.擦去:擦掉或消除;抹去2. To make indistinct as if by rubbing:冲淡(记忆):好象通过擦拭使变得不清晰:“Five years' absence had done nothing to efface the people's memory of his firmness”(&b{Alan Moorehead})See Synonyms at &b{erase} “五年离别丝毫未冲淡人们对他坚毅形象的记忆”(艾伦·穆尔黑德)参见 erase3. To conduct (oneself) inconspicuously:隐没:使(自己)不被人注意:“When the two women went out together, Anna deliberately effaced herself and played to the dramatic Molly”(&b{Doris Lessing})“当那两个女人一起出去,安娜特意不突出自己而去迎合举止显眼的莫莉”(多丽丝·莱辛)语源:1. Middle English effacen 中古英语 effacen 2. from French effacer 源自 法语 effacer 3. from Old French esfacier 源自 古法语 esfacier 4. es- [out]  from Latin ex- [ex-] es- [向外面的]  源自 拉丁语 ex- [前缀,表“从前的”] 5. face [face]  from Latin faci¶s * see  dh¶- face [面对]  源自 拉丁语 faci¶s *参见 dh¶- 继承用法:efface“able  adj.(形容词)efface“ment  n.(名词)effac“er  n.(名词)




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