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单词 Egypt
释义 Egypt['i:dʒipt]n. 埃及 Egypt  E.gypt  AHD:  [¶“j¹pt]  Formerly (1958-1961年) United Ar.ab Republic[²r“…b] D.J.  [6i8d9!pt] Formerly (1958-1961) United Ar.ab Republic[6#r*b]K.K.  [6id9!pt] Formerly (1958-1961) United Ar.ab Republic[6#r*b]NONE(无词性)A country of northeast Africa on the Mediterranean Sea. In ancient times it was a flourishing kingdom and one of the earliest known civilizations, producing magnificent structures and delicate works of art. After the seventh centuryb.c.  the kingdom declined, falling to various conquerors ranging from the Assyrians, Greeks, and Romans to the Turks, French, and British. It became an independent state in 1922. Cairo is the capital and the largest city. Population, 48,503,000. 埃及,阿拉伯埃及共和国:靠近地中海的东北非国家,在古代是盛极一时的王国,是已知的最早文明发源地之一。建造宏伟的建筑和精致的艺术品。公元前 7世纪后王国衰落,落入从亚述人、希腊人、罗马人到土耳其人、法国人和英国人的外族统治者手中。在1922年成为独立国家。开罗是其首都和最大城市。人口48,503,000




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