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单词 eject
释义 eject[i'dʒekt]vt. 逐放, 放逐, 喷射【化】 排出 eject  e.ject  AHD:  [¹-jµkt“] D.J.  [!6d9ekt]K.K.  [!6d9Wkt]v.(动词)  e.ject.ed,,e.jects及物动词)1. To throw out forcefully; expel.用力扔出;驱逐2. To compel to leave:强制离开:The patron of the bar was ejected for creating a disturbance.酒吧客人因为制造骚乱被强制离开3. To evict:驱逐:tenants who were ejected for violations of their lease.因违反租约被驱逐的佃户v.intr.(不及物动词)To make an emergency exit from an aircraft by deployment of an ejection seat or capsule.弹射出:利用弹射座椅或弹射座舱从飞行器紧急出口弹射出来语源:1. Middle English ejecten 中古英语 ejecten 2. from Latin ¶icere  ¶iect- 源自 拉丁语 ¶icere  ¶iect- 3. ¶-, ex- [ex-] ¶-, ex- [向外] 4. iacere [to throw] * see  y¶- iacere [扔] *参见 y¶- 继承用法:eject“able  adj.(形容词)ejec“tive  adj.(形容词)参考词汇:1. eject,expel,evict,dismiss,oust2. These verbs mean to put out by force. Toeject is to throw or cast out from within:  这些动词指用力逐出。Eject 指从内部扔出或喷出:  The heckler was ejected from the auditorium for creating a disturbance.起哄捣蛋分子因制造骚乱被赶出礼堂。3. Expel   means to drive out or away;it implies permanent removal: Expel  指赶出或赶走;意味着永久驱逐: expel a student from a university.把学生从大学里开除。4. Evict   most commonly refers to the expulsion of persons from property, as for failing to live up to the terms of a lease, by legal process: Evict  通常指通过法律程序将某人从地产上逐出,如当此人不能达到租约上的条件时: evicted the tenants to convert the building into condominiums.驱逐住户以便将这个建筑改成出售的大厦。5. Dismiss  refers to putting someone or something out of one's mind (trying to dismiss his fears )  or, in law, to refusing to give something, such as an appeal or a complaint, further consideration (dismissed the case for lack of evidence ). Dismiss  指将某人或某事从某人头脑中去除(极力消除他的畏惧 ) 或者在法律上拒绝给予诸如上诉或控告更多的考虑(因为缺少证据而不受理此案 )。 6. Oust  is applied chiefly to the removing of persons from a position, such as a political office, by means lawful or otherwise: Oust  主要指简单地通过法律或其他的手段将某人从他的位置,诸如政治职位上撤职: There were no grounds for ousting the prime minister. 没有理由把总理赶下台




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