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单词 elderly
释义 elderly['eldəli]a. 过了中年的, 稍老的 elderly  AHD:  [µl“d…r-l¶] D.J.  [6eld*li8]K.K.  [6Wld*li]adj.(形容词)1. Being past middle age and approaching old age; rather old.上了年纪的:已过中年的,接近老年的;年岁大的,年老的2. Of, relating to, or characteristic of older persons or life in later years.老年的:关于老年人的或已过了壮年的生活的,属于老年人的或已过了壮年的生活的,或具有老年人和老年生活特点的n.(名词)1. pl. An elderly person.【复数】 老年人2. pl. elderly (used with a pl. verb)Older people considered as a group. Often used withthe : 【复数】 elderly (与复数动词连用)对老年人的总称:被当作群体看待的老年人,经常与定冠词the 连用: special recreational programs for the elderly.为老年人设立的特殊娱乐计划继承用法:el“derliness  n.(名词)参考词汇:1. elderly,old,aged,venerable,superannuated2. These adjectives are compared as they mean far along in years or life.One who iselderly  is between middle age and old age:  这些形容词都表示年纪迟暮的或生活经历多的,但是各有不同。用elderly 来形容一个人是指他处于中年和老年之间:  Elderly residents of the city could still recall the construction of the first skyscraper.这座城市的老居民还能回忆起建造第一幢摩天大楼的情形。3. Old  implies advanced years: Old  表示年迈的: “There are so few who can grow old with a good grace” (Richard Steele).“很少有人年愈古稀仍有风采” (理查德·斯梯尔)。4. Aged   emphasizes old age and usually suggests infirmity: Aged  强调老龄,通常意味着体弱: “a venerable-looking man, with white hair and beard and a face of great sagacity” (Samuel Butler).“他白发银须,脸庞睿智,看起来德高望重” (塞缪尔·巴特勒)。5. Superannuated  applies to one who has reached the age of retirement and has been pensioned (a superannuated civil servant ); the term can also refer to one too old for use, work, or service: Superannuated  指到了退休年龄并领取养老金的人(退休的公务员 ); 这个词也用于指太老了而不能用、不能工作或服务: “He left the house . . . for the support of twelve superannuated wool carders”  (Anthony Trollope).“他离开了家…为了供养十二位年老体衰的羊毛梳理工人” (安东尼·特罗洛普)




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