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单词 El Dorado
释义 El Dorado 1  El Dorado 1  AHD:  [d…-r³“d½] D.J.  [d*6re!d*&]K.K.  [d*6redo]NONE(无词性)1. A vaguely defined historical region and city of the New World, often thought to be in northern South America. Fabled for its great wealth of gold and precious jewels, it was eagerly sought after by 16th- and 17th-century explorers, including Sir Walter Raleigh.埃尔多拉多:定义模糊的历史地区和城市,位于西半球,通常被认为在南美北部。传奇中有大量黄金珠宝,16和17世纪的探险家们曾极力搜寻,其中包括沃尔特·雷利爵士2. A city of southern Arkansas near the Louisiana border south-southwest of Little Rock. Oil was discovered nearby in 1921. Population, 23,146.埃尔多拉多:美国阿肯色州南部城市,靠近路易斯安那边境,在小石城西南偏南,1921年附近发现石油。人口23,146 El Dorado 2  El Dorado 2  AHD:  [d…-rä“d½] D.J.  [d*6r$8d*&]K.K.  [d*6r$do]n.(名词)A place of fabulous wealth or inordinately great opportunity.埃尔多拉多:想象中极为富庶或机会极多的地方语源:After  El Dorado 1源自  El Dorado1




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