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单词 enclose
释义 enclose[in'kləuz]vt. 围绕, 放入封套, 装入【化】 圈 enclose  en.close  AHD:  [µn-kl½z“]  也作 in.close [¹n-] D.J.  [en6kl*&z] 也作 in.close [!n]K.K.  [Wn6kloz] 也作 in.close [!n]及物动词)  en.closed,, 1. To surround on all sides; close in.围住:四面围住;圈起2. To fence in so as to prevent common use:圈起:用篱墙围起来以防公众使用:enclosed the pasture.将牧场围起来3. To contain, especially so as to envelop or shelter:包含,封住:装入,尤其是封闭包藏或遮蔽:“Every one of those darkly clustered houses encloses its own secret”(&b{Charles Dickens})“那些黑压压聚集成群的房子每一幢都藏着它各自的秘密”(查尔斯·狄更斯)4. To insert into the same envelope or package:把…封,附带:装入同一个信封或包裹:enclose a check with the order.随命令附上一张支票语源:1. Middle English enclosen 中古英语 enclosen 2. from Old French enclos [past participle of] enclore 源自 古法语 enclos  [] enclore的过去分词 3. from Latin incl&9{¿dere} [to enclose] * see  include 源自 拉丁语 incl&9{¿dere} [包围] *参见 include参考词汇:1. enclose,cage,coop,fence,hem,pen,wall2. The central meaning shared by these verbs is “to surround and confine within a limited area”: 这些词共有的中心意思是:“包围和限制在一个局限的区域”: prisoners who were walled in. 关在大墙内的犯人




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