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单词 endocentric
释义 endocentric[,endəu'sentrik]a. 内心的 endocentric  AHD:  [µn”d½-sµn“tr¹k] D.J.  [7end*&6sentr!k]K.K.  [7Wndo6sWntr!k]adj.(形容词)1. Of or relating to a group of syntactically related words, at least one of which is functionally equivalent to the function of the whole group. For example, the nountable  in the noun phrase the old table  is endocentric because it has the same grammatical function as the whole noun phrase. 向心的:造句上相关字语的,或与其相关的;至少其中有一字在机能上要与整体的机能一致。例如,在名词词组the old table(旧桌子) 中的名词 table  就是一个向心字语,因为其和整个名词词组具有相同的语法功能 2. Of or relating to a compound word whose referent is the same as the referent of one of its constituent parts. For example, the nounblackboard  is endocentric in that it refers to a type of board. (复合字) 向心的:有关复合字的指示物与其中一组合字的指示物为相同,或与其相关的。例如,名词blackboard(黑板) 就是属向心结构的,其所指称的是一种板子




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