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单词 entail
释义 entail[in'teil]vt. 使成为必需, 需要, 使承担, 遗传给n. 限定继承【经】 限定继承权相关词组:entail great expense on sb entail  en.tail  AHD:  [µn-t³l“, ¹n-] D.J.  [en6te!l, !n-]K.K.  [Wn6tel, !n-]及物动词)  en.tailed,,en.tails 1. To have, impose, or require as a necessary accompaniment or consequence:承担,伴随,需要:施加或要求使成为必要的附属物或结果:an investment that entailed high risk.一项需承担高风险的投资2. To limit the inheritance of (property) to a specified succession of heirs.限定继承:对(财产)的继承限于特定的继承人顺序3. To bestow or impose on a person or a specified succession of heirs.赠与,限嗣继承:限制某人或按某特定顺序继承n.(名词)1. The act of entailing, especially property.限嗣继承:限定继承权的行为,尤指不动产2. The state of being entailed.处于限定继承的状态3. An entailed estate.限定继承的不动产4. A predetermined order of succession, as to an estate or to an office.预定的继承顺序:确定的继承权顺序,如对地产或职位5. Something transmitted as if by unalterable inheritance.遗产,继承:如通过不可更变的继承而移转某物语源:1. Middle English entaillen [to limit inheritance to specific heirs] 中古英语 entaillen [把继承权限定给特定的继承人] 2. en- [intensive pref.] * see  en- 1en- [强调性前缀] *参见 en-13. taille [tail] * see  tail 2taille [尾巴] *参见 tail2继承用法:entail“ment  n.(名词)




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