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单词 environment
释义 environment[in'vairənmənt]n. 环境, 外界, 围绕【计】 环境【医】 环境 environment  AHD:  [µn-vº“r…n-m…nt, -vº“…rn-] D.J.  [en6va!*r*nm*nt, -6va!*n-]K.K.  [Wn6va!r*nm*nt, -6va!*n-]n.(名词)1. The circumstances or conditions that surround one; surroundings.环境:周围的状况或条件;周围的事物2. The totality of circumstances surrounding an organism or a group of organisms, especially:自然环境:一个生物体或一群生物体周围的整体状况,尤其是:3. The combination of external physical conditions that affect and influence the growth, development, and survival of organisms:外在物理条件:作用和影响这群生物体的生长、发展和生存的外界物质条件的总和:“We shall never understand the natural environment until we see it as a living organism”(&b{Paul Brooks})“只有把自然环境看作一个活的有机体,我们才会理解它”(保罗·布鲁克斯)4. The complex of social and cultural conditions affecting the nature of an individual or a community.社会环境:影响个人或社会本质的社会和文化条件的总和5. An artistic or theatrical work that surrounds or involves the audience.环境艺术品:一种包围或包容观众的艺术或戏剧作品




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