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单词 envy
释义 envy['envi]n. 羡慕, 嫉妒vt. 羡慕, 嫉妒相关词组:feel envy at...out of envy envy  en.vy  AHD:  [µn“v¶] D.J.  [6envi8]K.K.  [6Wnvi]n.(名词)  【复数】 en.vies 1. A feeling of discontent and resentment aroused by and in conjunction with desire for the possessions or qualities of another.妒忌,羡慕:由于渴望得到他人的所有物或品质而引起的不满和怨恨的情绪2. The object of such feeling:羡慕的对象:引起这种感觉的事物:Their new pool made them the envy of their neighbors.他们的新游泳池受到邻居的羡慕3. Obsolete Malevolence.【废语】 恶毒,怨恨及物动词)  en.vied,,en.vies 1. To feel envy toward.对…感到羡慕2. To regard with envy.羡慕地看待语源:1. Middle English envie 中古英语 envie 2. from Old French 源自 古法语 3. from Latin invidia 源自 拉丁语 invidia 4. from invidus [envious] 源自 invidus [妒忌的] 5. from invid¶re [to look at with envy] 源自 invid¶re [妒忌地注视] 6. in- [in, on] * see  en- 1in- [在…里,在…上] *参见 en-17. vid¶re [to see] * see  weid- vid¶re [看见] *参见 weid- 8. V., from Middle English envien 动词,源自 中古英语 envien 9. from Old French envier 源自 古法语 envier 10. from Latin invid¶re 源自 拉丁语 invid¶re 继承用法:en“vier  n.(名词)en“vyingly  adv.(副词)参考词汇:1. envy,begrudge,covet2. These verbs mean to feel resentful or painful desire for another's advantages or possessions.这些动词都具有对他人的优点和所有物怀有憎恶或痛苦的渴望这一含义。3. Envy  is wider in range than the others since it combines discontent, resentment, and desire: Envy  较其它词具有更广的范围,因为它包含了不满、憎恶和渴望几个意思: “When I peruse the conquered fame of heroes and the victories of mighty generals, I do not envy the generals” (Walt Whitman).“当我细细咀嚼那些英雄的盛名和伟大的将军们的胜利时,我并不羡慕那些将军” (沃特·惠特曼)。4. Begrudge  stresses ill will and reluctance to acknowledge another's right or claim: Begrudge  强调恶意和不愿承认别人的权力和要求: Why begrudge him his success?为什么不愿承认他的成功?5. Covet   stresses desire, especially a secret or culpable longing, for something to which one has no right: Covet  强调渴望,尤其是私下或不正当地希望得到自己无权得到的事物: “as thorough an Englishman as ever coveted his neighbor's goods” (Charles Kingsley).“象一个英国人一贯所做的那样垂涎邻居的财物” (查理斯·金斯利)




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