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单词 epithet
释义 epithet['epiθet]n. 浑名, 绰号, 称号 epithet  ep.i.thet  AHD:  [µp“…-thµt”] D.J.  [6ep*7Get]K.K.  [6Wp*7GWt]n.(名词)1. A term used to characterize a person or thing, such asrosy-fingered  in rosy-fingered dawn  or the Great  in Catherine the Great.  表述词语:用来表示某人某物特性的一个表达,如玫瑰色状的黎明 中的 玫瑰色指状的 或 伟大的凯瑟琳 中的 伟大的 等 2. A term used as a descriptive substitute for the name or title of a person, such asThe Great Emancipator  for Abraham Lincoln. 加于人名的称号,绰号:用来代替一个人姓名或头衔的称谓,如伟大的解放者 用来称呼亚伯拉罕·林肯 3. An abusive or contemptuous word or phrase.浑名:带侮辱性的单词或短语4. Biology A word in the scientific name of an animal or a plant following the name of the genus and denoting a species, variety, or other division of the genus, assativa  in Lactuca sativa.  【生物学】 种名部分:接在属名之后的动物或植物的科学名称,指一个种、变种或属下面的其它类别,如家莴苣 在 莴苣属、家莴苣种 中 语源:1. Latin epitheton 拉丁语 epitheton 2. from Greek [neuter of] epithetos [added, attributed] 源自 希腊语  [] epithetos的中性 [附加的,增加的] 3. from epitithenai [to add to] 源自 epitithenai [加在] 4. epi- [epi-] epi- [前缀,表“在…之前”] 5. tithenai [to place] * see  dh¶- tithenai [放] *参见 dh¶- 继承用法:ep”ithet“ic  或  adj.(形容词)ep”ithet“ical  用法:Strictly speaking,an epithet need not be derogatory,but the term is commonly used as a simple synonym for “term of abuse” or “slur,”as in the sentenceThere is no place for racial epithets in a police officer's vocabulary.  This usage is accepted by 80 percent of the Usage Panel.严格来讲,绰号不应是贬义的,但此词一般用作“骂人的称呼”或“污辱”的同义词,如在下句中在一名警官的词汇中不应有粗俗的话。  这种用法被用法使用小组百分之八十的人接受




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