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单词 eutectic
释义 eutectic[ju:'tektik]a. 容易溶解的, 低共熔的n. 低共熔混合物【化】 低共熔的【医】 易溶的, 低共熔的(易熔混合物) eutectic  eu.tec.tic  AHD:  [y›-tµk“t¹k] D.J.  [ju86tekt!k]K.K.  [ju6tWkt!k]adj.(形容词)1. Of, relating to, or formed at the lowest possible temperature of solidification for any mixture of specified constituents. Used especially of an alloy whose melting point is lower than that of any other alloy composed of the same constituents in different proportions.低共熔的,易熔的:有关或涉及任何一种特定成分混合物固化最低温度的。通常特指一种合金的熔点比其它任何相同成分、但比例不同的合金熔点都要低2. Exhibiting the constitution or properties of such a solid.共晶的:展示这种固体的组成和性质的n.(名词)1. A eutectic mixture, solution, or alloy.低共熔混合物,易熔质:易熔的混合物,溶体或合金2. The eutectic temperature.低共熔温度语源:1. From Greek eut¶ktos [easily melted] 源自 希腊语 eut¶ktos [易熔的] 2. eu- [eu-] eu- [好的] 3. t¶ktos [melted]  from t¶kein [to melt] t¶ktos [使熔化]  源自 t¶kein [融合]




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