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单词 exchequer
释义 exchequer[iks'tʃekə]n. (英国)财政部, 国库【法】 国库, 财源, 财政法院 exchequer  ex.cheq.uer  AHD:  [µks“chµk”…r, ¹ks-chµk“…r] D.J.  [6eks7t.ek*, !ks6t.ek*]K.K.  [6Wks7t.Wk+, !ks6t.Wk+]n.(名词)1. Exchequer The British governmental department charged with the collection and management of the national revenue.Exchequer 财政部:英国政府中收集并管理国家收入的部门2. Exchequer In Great Britain, the Court of Exchequer.Exchequer 英国的税务法庭3. Abbr. exch.,Exch.A treasury, as of a nation or an organization.缩写 exch.,Exch.国库,金库:一个国家或一个组织的金库4. Financial resources; funds.财政源泉;基金语源:1. Alteration of Middle English escheker 中古英语 escheker的变化 2. from Old French eschequier [counting table, chessboard] 源自 古法语 eschequier [帐台;棋盘] 3. from eschec [check] * see  check 源自 eschec [支票] *参见 check




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