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单词 excite
释义 excite[ik'sait]vt. 刺激, 使兴奋, 激励 excite  ex.cite  AHD:  [¹k-sºt“] D.J.  [!k6sa!t]K.K.  [!k6sa!t]及物动词)  ex.cit.ed,,ex.cites 1. To stir to activity.使兴奋2. To call forth (a reaction or emotion, for example); elicit:激起:使唤起(例如,反应或感情);导致:odd noises that excited our curiosity.古怪的噪音激起了我们的好奇心3. To arouse strong feeling in:使动感情:speakers who know how to excite a crowd.See Synonyms at &b{provoke} 知道怎样打动人群的演讲者参见 provoke4. Physiology To produce increased activity or response in (an organ, a tissue, or a part); stimulate.【生理学】 刺激:刺激或提高(器官、组织或身体一部分)的活力;刺激5. Physics 【物理学】 6. To increase the energy of.使增加能量7. To raise (an atom, for example) to a higher energy level.激发:将(原子核)提高到更高的一个能级语源:1. Middle English exciten 中古英语 exciten 2. from Latin excit³re [frequentative of] exci¶re 源自 拉丁语 excit³re  [] exci¶re的重复动词 3. ex- [ex-] ex- [前缀,表“出自…”] 4. ci¶re [to set in motion] * see  kei- 2ci¶re [使开始工作] *参见 kei- 2




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