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单词 fail
释义 fail[feil]vi. 失败, 缺乏, 中断, 衰退, 失灵vt. 忘记, 使...失望, 缺乏, 不及格n. 不及格【化】 停车相关词组:fail to dowithout failfail in... fail  fail  AHD:  [f³l] D.J.  [fe!l]K.K.  [fel]v.(动词)  failed,,fails v.intr.(不及物动词)1. To prove deficient or lacking; perform ineffectively or inadequately.表现欠佳:证明不足或不够;活动受损或不充足2. To be unsuccessful:失败:不成功:a valiant attempt that failed.虽败犹荣3. To receive an academic grade below the acceptable minimum.不及格:达到的学术等级低于最低限度4. To prove insufficient in quantity or duration; give out:用尽:数量或持续时间证明为不足;用完:The water supply failed during the drought.在干旱期供水不足5. To fall short, as in what is expected of one:未达成:不能达到别人所期望的:failed in her obligations to the family.她对家庭没有尽到责任6. To decline, as in strength or effectiveness:减弱:力量减弱或功能衰退:The patient's heart failed.病人的心跳减弱7. To cease functioning properly:彻底中止运转:The engine failed.引擎彻底停止了运转8. To become bankrupt or insolvent:破产:Our family business failed in 1929.1929年我们家族破产了及物动词)1. To disappoint or prove undependable to:使失望或不可信赖:Our sentries failed us.我们的哨兵令我们失望2. To abandon; forsake:抛弃;放弃:His strength failed him.他丧失了力气3. To omit to perform (an expected duty, for example):遗漏未做:忽略而未能完成(例如,所期望的任务):“We must . . . hold . . . those horrors up to the light of justice. Otherwise we would fail our inescapable obligation to the victims of Nazism: to remember”(&b{Anthony Lewis})“记住:我们必须将那些惨事交付法庭审判。否则,对遭受法西斯主义迫害的人,我们将无法尽到应尽的责任”(安东尼·刘易斯)4. To leave (something) undone; neglect:疏忽:留下(某事)没做完;疏忽:failed to wash the dishes.忘了洗盘子5. To receive an academic grade below the acceptable minimum in (a course, for example):不及格:达到的学术等级低于能接受的最低限度(如某门课程):failed algebra twice.代数两次不及格6. To give such a grade of failure to (a student):给(学生)不及格:failed me in algebra.给我代数不及格n.(名词)1. Failure to deliver securities to a purchaser within a specified time.保证失信:未能在特定时间内将保证金交给买主2. Failure to receive the proceeds of a transaction, as in the sale of stock or securities, by a specified date.交割失信:在股票或抵押品售出后,未能在规定日期内办理交接手续习惯用语:without fail  With no chance of failure:一定,必定:没有失败的可能:Be here at noon without fail.一定在正午时到这里语源:1. Middle English failen 中古英语 failen 2. from Old French faillir 源自 古法语 faillir 3. from Vulgar Latin *fall&9{ºre} 源自 俗拉丁语 *fall&9{ºre} 4. variant of Latin fallere [to deceive] 拉丁语 fallere的变体 [欺骗]




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