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单词 farm
释义 farm[fɑ:m]n. 农场, 农田vt. 耕种vi. 种田【法】 农场, 农壮寄养场所, 包出税款相关词组:farm sth out farm  farm  AHD:  [färm] D.J.  [f$8m]K.K.  [f$rm]n.(名词)1. A tract of land cultivated for the purpose of agricultural production.农场:一片用来生长农业产品的土地2. A tract of land devoted to the raising and breeding of domestic animals.饲养场:放牧和喂养家畜的土地3. An area of water devoted to the raising, breeding, or production of a specific aquatic animal:水产养殖场:致力于一些水生生物的养殖、喂养或生产的一片蓄水池:a trout farm; an oyster farm.鳟鱼养殖场;牡蛎养殖场4. An area of land devoted to the storage of a commodity or the emplacement of a group of devices:贮藏所:一块用于存放货物或放置成套设备的场地:a tank farm; an antenna farm.坦克炮位场地;天线安置场地5. Baseball A minor-league club affiliated with a major-league club for the training of recruits and the maintenance of temporarily unneeded players.【棒球】 棒球分会:附属于一个高级联合会俱乐部的小联合会俱乐部,其负责训练新成员和保留暂时不需要的队员6. Obsolete 【废语】 7. The system of leasing out the rights of collecting and retaining taxes in a certain district.包出租税的制度:在一定地区出租征收和保留税款权力的系统8. A district so leased.包税区:这样被出租的地区n.attributive.(定语名词)Often used to modify another noun:农场:通常用来修饰另一个名词:farm machinery; farm buildings; farm policy.农场机器;农舍;农业政策v.(动词)  farmed,,farms及物动词)1. To cultivate or produce a crop on.耕种:种植或生产谷物2. To pay a fixed sum in order to have the right to collect and retain profits from (a business, for example).承包:支付固定金额,以有权从(如商业)中收集和保有利润3. To turn over (a business, for example) to another in return for the payment of a fixed sum.包出:转让(如生意)给另一单位,条件是收取固定金额作为回报v.intr.(不及物动词)To engage in farming.经营农场常用词组:farm out  1. To send (work, for example) from a central point to be done elsewhere.租出:将(如工作)由中心点送出其它地方去做2. Baseball To assign (a player) to a minor-league team.【棒球】 分派:将(一名队员)分派到小联合会俱乐部队语源:1. Middle English [lease, leased property] 中古英语 [出租,出租的财物] 2. from Old French ferme 源自 古法语 ferme 3. from Medieval Latin firma [fixed payment] 源自 中世纪拉丁语 firma [固定金额] 4. from Latin firm³re [to establish] 源自 拉丁语 firm³re [建立] 5. from firmus [firm] * see  dher- 源自 firmus [公司] *参见 dher-




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