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单词 farther
释义 farther['fɑ:ðə]a. 更远的, 进一步的ad. 更远的, 此外, far的比较级 farther  far.ther  AHD:  [fär“Y…r] 【用法疑难】 D.J.  [6f$8H*]K.K.  [6f$rH+]adv.(副词)   far的比较级 1. To or at a more distant or remote point:更远地:到或在更为疏远或遥远的地点:ran farther than the others.比别人跑得更远2. To or at a more advanced point or stage:更进一步地:到好在更高点或阶段:I went no farther that day.我今天没有取得进展3. To a greater extent or degree:更大范围或程度地:carried the idea farther.进一步地表达想法adj.(形容词)   far的比较级 More distant; remoter:更远的;较远的:the farther shore.更远的海岸语源:1. Middle English 中古英语 2. variant  influenced by far [far] * see  far  受 far的影响 [远的] *参见 far3. of further * see  further further的变体 *参见 further用法:Farther and further have been used interchangeably by many writers since the Middle English period. According to a rule of relatively recent origin, however,farther should be reserved for physical distance andfurther  for advancement along a nonphysical dimension. Thus 74 percent of the Usage Panel prefersfarther  in the sentence If you are planning to drive any farther than Ukiah, you'd better carry chains;  whereas 64 percent prefersfurther  in the sentence We won't be able to answer these questions until we are further along in our research.  In many cases, however, the distinction is not easy to draw.If we may speak metaphorically ofa statement that is far from the truth,  for example, the analogous use offarther  should be allowed in a sentence such as Nothing could be farther from the truth,  though Nothing could be further from the truth  is also justifiable. Farther 和 further 自从英国中世纪以来被许多作家交替使用。 然而,根据比较近的起源的法则,farther 应被用于实际距离, 而further 用于沿着非实际范围的前进。 因此用法专题使用小组中74%的成员喜欢将farther 置于句子 如果你计划开到比尤凯亚更远的地方,你最好带上链子 中; 而64%的成员则将further 用于句子 在调查取得更深入的进展前,我们不能回答这些问题 中。 然而,在许多例子中,方向很难把握。如果用此喻来陈述不符合事实的情况 , 例如,farther 的类似用法允许用于句子, 如Nothing could be farther from the truth,  而Notting could be futher from the truth 也是对的




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