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单词 fastidious
释义 fastidious[fæs'tidiəs]a. 难取悦的, 挑剔的, 苛求的 fastidious  fas.tid.i.ous  AHD:  [f²-st¹d“¶-…s, f…-] D.J.  [f#6st!di8*s, f*-]K.K.  [f#6st!di*s, f*-]adj.(形容词)1. Possessing or displaying careful, meticulous attention to detail.过分注意的:对细节谨慎而细心地注意的2. Difficult to please; exacting.挑剔的:难于取悦的;苛求的3. Excessively scrupulous or sensitive, especially in matters of taste or propriety.See Synonyms at meticulous 过分讲究的:过分谨慎或敏感的,尤其在味道和礼节方面参见 meticulous4. Microbiology Having complicated nutritional requirements.【微生物学】 有很复杂的营养要求的语源:1. Middle English [squeamish, particular, haughty] 中古英语 [太过讲究规矩的,特别的,傲慢的] 2. from Old French fastidieux 源自 古法语 fastidieux 3. from Latin fast&9{ºdi½sus} 源自 拉丁语 fast&9{ºdi½sus} 4. from fast&9{ºdium} [squeamishness, haughtiness] 源自 fast&9{ºdium} [挑剔,特别,傲慢] 5. probably from fastus [disdain] 可能源自 fastus [轻视,鄙视] 继承用法:fastid“iously  adv.(副词)fastid“iousness  n.(名词)




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