单词 | favorable |
释义 | favorable['feivərəbl]a. 有利的, 赞许的, 良好的 favorable fa.vor.a.ble AHD: [f³“v…r-…-b…l, f³v“r…-] D.J. [6fe!v*r*b*l, 6fe!vr*-]K.K. [6fev*r*b*l, 6fevr*-]adj.(形容词)1. Advantageous; helpful:有利的;有助的:favorable winds.顺风2. Encouraging; propitious:鼓励的;顺利的:a favorable diagnosis.顺利的诊断3. Manifesting approval; commendatory:表示同意的;表扬的:a favorable report.赞同的报告4. Winning approval; pleasing:赢得赞扬的;高兴的:a favorable impression.好印象5. Granting what has been desired or requested:给予的:提供所想要的或要求的:a favorable reply.给予答复6. Indulgent or partial:任性的,偏袒的:listened with a favorable ear.以偏袒地心来倾听继承用法:fa“vorableness n.(名词)fa“vorably adv.(副词)参考词汇:1. favorable,propitious,auspicious,benign,conducive2. These adjectives describe what is indicative of a successful outcome.这些形容词是对成功结果的表达。3. Favorable can refer to people, conditions, or circumstances that contribute in a positive way to the attainment of a goal: Favorable 可指人、状况或环境对达到目标起肯定作用: The performance received a favorable review.节目受到了赞扬。4. Propitious implies a favorable tendency or inclination: Propitious 指有利的趋势或倾向: “Miracles are propitious accidents, the natural causes of which are too complicated to be readily understood” (George Santayana).“奇迹是有利的事件,是太复杂以致于难于理解的自然原因” (乔治·圣塔亚那)。5. Auspicious refers to what by its favorable nature presages good fortune: Auspicious 指预示好运的有利因素: The project had an auspicious beginning.这个计划有一个良好的开端。6. Benign applies to people or things that exert a beneficial influence: Benign 指包含一种有利影响的人或事: “Nothing is more conducive to happiness than the free exercise of the mind in pursuits congenial to it” (Macaulay).“没有什么能比追求心灵相通的自由操练对快乐更有传导性了” (麦考雷) |
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