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单词 feature
释义 feature['fi:tʃə]n. 面孔的一部分(如眼、口等), 特征, 容貌, 特色, 特写vt. 是...的特色, 特写, 放映vi. 起重要作用【计】 特性【医】 容貌, 特征, 式【经】 特色证券; 突显相关词组:make a feature of... feature  fea.ture  AHD:  [f¶“ch…r] D.J.  [6fi8t.*]K.K.  [6fit.+]n.(名词)1. Any of the distinct parts of the face, as the eyes, nose, or mouth.面貌特征:脸上的各个部分,如眼睛、鼻子或嘴2. Often features The overall appearance of the face or its parts.常作 features 容貌:脸上的全部或部分的样子3. A prominent or distinctive aspect, quality, or characteristic:特征:显著的或有特色的方面、品质或特点:a feature of one's personality; a feature of the landscape.人格特征;地形特点4. The main film presentation at a theater.正片:剧院上映的主要影片5. A special attraction at an entertainment.特别节目:一项娱乐中特别吸引人的部分6. A prominent or special article, story, or department in a newspaper or periodical.特写:报纸或杂志上明显的或特别的文章、故事或图片7. An item advertised or offered as particularly attractive or as an inducement:重点宣传的产品:作为特别有吸引力、诱惑力而提供或作广告的项目:a washing machine with many features.做了许多宣传的洗衣机8. Archaic 【古语】 9. Outward appearance; form or shape.轮廓:外貌;形态或形状10. Physical beauty.形体美及物动词)  fea.tured,,fea.tures 1. To give special attention to; display, publicize, or make prominent.展示:给予特别注意;展出、公开或使成为要点2. To have or include as a prominent part or characteristic:由…主演:包含…作为主要部分或特点的:The play featured two well-known actors.这出戏有两位著名的演员3. To depict or outline the features of.刻画或勾勒出…的特点4. Informal To picture mentally; imagine:【非正式用语】 想象:在脑子里勾画;想象:Can you feature her in that hat?你能想象出她戴着那顶帽子吗?语源:1. Middle English feture 中古英语 feture 2. from Old French faiture 源自 古法语 faiture 3. from Latin fact&9{¿ra} [a working or making] 源自 拉丁语 fact&9{¿ra} [手工制品] 4. from factus [past participle of] facere [to make, do] * see  dh¶- 源自 factus  [] facere的过去分词 [制作,做] *参见 dh¶-




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