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单词 federal
释义 federal['fedərəl]a. 联邦的, 联合的, 同盟的【法】 联邦的, 联邦制的, 联盟的 federal  AHD:  [fµd“…r-…l, fµd“r…l] D.J.  [6fed*r*l, 6fedr*l]K.K.  [6fWd*r*l, 6fWdr*l]adj.Abbr. fed.(形容词)缩写 fed.1. Of, relating to, or being a form of government in which a union of states recognizes the sovereignty of a central authority while retaining certain residual powers of government.联邦的:一种政府组织形式的,在这种形式中联合各州确认一个至高无上的中央权力,同时保持一定的政府残留权力2. Of or constituting a form of government in which sovereign power is divided between a central authority and a number of constituent political units.联邦制的:组成一种政府形式的,其中最高权力由中央权力机构与政治组织成员分享3. Of or relating to the central government of a federation as distinct from the governments of its member units.联邦政府的:联邦中央政府的,与其成员国政府存在差别4. Favorable to or advocating federation:支持联邦的:支持或拥护联邦的:The senator's federal leanings were well known.参议员的联邦倾向是众所周知的5. Relating to or formed by a treaty or compact between constituent political units.联合的:与政体各组成部分之间的协定或合约有关的或由其组成的6. Federal Federal 7. Of, relating to, or supporting Federalism or the Federalist Party.联邦党的:是(支持)联邦主义或联邦党的或与其有关的8. Of, relating to, or loyal to the Union cause during the American Civil War.亲联邦政府的:是,(忠诚于)美国内战期间组成的联邦的或与其有关的9. Often Federal Of, relating to, or being the central government of the United States.常作 Federal 美国中央政府的10. Federal Relating to or characteristic of a style of architecture, furniture, and decoration produced in the United States especially in the late 18th and early 19th centuries and characterized by adaptations of classical forms combined with typically American motifs.Federal 美国建筑风格的:与美国生产的建筑,家具,和装饰品有关的或具有其特点的,尤指在18世纪晚期和19世纪早期的,其特点是古典形式与典型美国图案的联合采用n.(名词)1. Federal Federal 2. A supporter of the Union during the American Civil War, especially a Union soldier.联邦主义者:美国内战期间联邦的支持者,特指联邦士兵3. A Federalist.联邦主义者4. Often Federal A federal agent or official.常作 Federal 联邦代理人或官员语源:From Latin foedus  foeder- [league, treaty] * see  bheidh- 源自 拉丁语 foedus  foeder- [联盟,盟约] *参见 bheidh- 继承用法:fed“erally  adv.(副词)




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