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单词 feel
释义 feel[fi:l]vt. 感觉, 觉得, 触摸, 以为vi. 有知觉, 摸索, 同情n. 感觉, 觉得, 触摸相关词组:feel outfeel sb outfeel for...feel for sbget the feel of...feel like sthfeel like doingfeel in one's bones that feel  feel  AHD:  [f¶l] D.J.  [fi8l]K.K.  [fil]v.(动词)  felt[fµlt],feels及物动词)1. To perceive through the sense of touch:感觉:通过接触而感知:feel the velvety smoothness of a peach.感觉到桃子丝绒般的光滑2. To perceive as a physical sensation:感觉到:通过身体的感官感知:feel a sharp pain; feel the cold.感到一阵剧痛;感到冷3. To touch.触摸4. To examine by touching.See Synonyms at touch 通过触摸检查参见 touch5. To test or explore with caution:探索:小心试验或探察:feel one's way in a new job.在新工作中寻找方法6. To undergo the experience of:体验,经历:经历某种体会:felt my interest rising; felt great joy.感到我的兴趣正在增长;感到非常快乐7. To be aware of; sense:意识到;感觉到:felt the anger of the crowd.意识到了人们的愤怒8. To be emotionally affected by:感受到:受感情影响:She still feels the loss of her dog.她仍然为失去狗而伤心9. To be persuaded of (something) on the basis of intuition, emotion, or other indefinite grounds:认为,觉得:通过直觉、感觉或其它不明确的理由使相信(某事):I feel that what the informant says may well be true.我认为那个提供消息的人说的可能是真的10. To believe; think:相信;认为:She felt his answer to be evasive.她认为他的回答完全是闪烁其辞v.intr.(不及物动词)1. To experience sensations of touch.触摸:经历触摸的感觉2. To produce a particular sensation, especially through the sense of touch:摸起来:尤指通过触觉产生某种特殊的感觉:The sheets felt smooth.被单摸上去很光滑3. To produce a particular impression; appear to be; seem:似乎是:给人某种印象;显出;看起来是:It feels good to be home.See Usage Note at &b{well} &+{2}回家的感觉真好参见 well24. To be conscious of a specified kind or quality of physical, mental, or emotional state:觉得:感觉到某种物体的、精神的或情感的状态的特定类型或特性:felt warm and content; feels strongly about the election.觉得温暖和满足;对选举反应强烈5. To seek or explore something by the sense of touch:摸索地找:通过接触而寻找或探寻某物:felt for the light switch in the dark.在黑暗中摸索着找电源开关6. To have compassion or sympathy:同情或怜悯:I feel for him in his troubles.我对他的困境很同情n.(名词)1. Perception by or as if by touch; sensation:感觉:触摸或仿佛触摸时引起的感觉;感觉:a feel of autumn in the air.在空气中感到了秋意2. The sense of touch:触觉,手感:a surface that is rough to the feel.摸上去很粗糙的表面3. The nature or quality of something as perceived by or as if by the sense of touch:感觉:触摸或仿佛触摸而感受到的事物的性质或性能:“power steering that seems overassisted, eliminating road feel”(&b{Mark Ginsburg})“过于强调动力的增加,会丧失驾驶的操纵感”(马克·金斯伯格)4. Overall impression or effect; atmosphere:气氛:总体的印象或效果;气氛:“gives such disparate pictures . . . a crazily convincing documentary feel”(&b{Stephen King})“给出这样绝望的画面…一种疯狂而又有说服力的纪实感”(斯蒂芬·金)5. Intuitive awareness or natural ability:直觉:直觉的意识或天生的能力:has a feel for decorating.有装饰的技能常用词组:feel out  To try cautiously or indirectly to ascertain the viewpoint or nature of.探听:细心或间接地努力去认识某事物的特征或本性feel up 【粗俗用语】 【俚语】  To touch or fondle (someone) sexually.挑逗,调情:带有性欲地触摸或抚摸(某人)习惯用语:feel in (one's) bones  To have an intuition of.对…的直觉feel like【非正式用语】  To have an inclination or desire for:想做…:具有…的倾向或欲望:felt like going for a walk.想去散步feel like (oneself)  To sense oneself as being in one's normal state of health or spirits:感觉自在;沉着:感到自己处于正常的身体或精神状态下:I just don't feel like myself today.我今天觉得很不舒服语源:1. Middle English felen 中古英语 felen 2. from Old English f¶lan * see  p½l- 源自 古英语 f¶lan *参见 p½l-




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