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单词 feint
释义 feint[feint]n. 伪装, 假装, 假托, 佯攻vi. 装作, 假装, 佯攻a. 假的, 虚饰的【法】 伪装, 佯装, 假象 feint  feint  AHD:  [f³nt] D.J.  [fe!nt]K.K.  [fent]n.(名词)1. A feigned attack designed to draw defensive action away from an intended target.虚击,伪攻:设计好的将对方的保护行动从真实目标引开的虚击2. A deceptive action calculated to divert attention from one's real purpose.See Synonyms at artifice 伪装,假象:设计好的分散对方注意力的虚假行为参见 artificev.(动词)  feint.ed,,feints v.intr.(不及物动词)To make a feint.伪装及物动词)1. To deceive with a feint.伪装来欺骗2. To make a deceptive show of.制造假象语源:1. French feinte 法语 feinte 2. from Old French [from past participle of] feindre [to feign] * see  feign 源自 古法语  [] 源自feindre的过去分词 [装作,假装] *参见 feign




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