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单词 festoon
释义 festoon[fes'tu:n]n. 花彩vt. 结彩于【医】 突彩, 龈缘弯肿, 缘饰, 花缘(蜱) festoon  fes.toon  AHD:  [fµ-st›n“] D.J.  [fe6stu8n]K.K.  [fW6stun]n.(名词)1. A string or garland, as of leaves or flowers, suspended in a loop or curve between two points.花彩,花环:如叶或花的两端悬挂在圆环或曲状物中的线或花彩2. A representation of such a string or garland, as in painting or sculpture.花彩饰物:象在图画或雕塑中的这样的线或花彩的图象及物动词)  fes.tooned,,fes.toons 1. To decorate with or as if with festoons; hang festoons on.用花彩装饰;挂花饰于:用或好似用花彩装饰;挂花饰于2. To form or make into festoons.扎成或制成花彩语源:1. French feston 法语 feston 2. from Italian festone 源自 意大利语 festone 3. from festa [feast] 源自 festa [节日] 4. from Vulgar Latin *f¶sta * see  feast 源自 俗拉丁语 *f¶sta *参见 feast




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