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单词 fettle
释义 fettle['fetl]n. 状态, 情绪vt. 修补, 整理, 擦亮, 殴打【机】 清理 fettle  fet.tle  AHD:  [fµt“l] D.J.  [6fetl]K.K.  [6fWt1]n.(名词)1. Proper or sound condition.状况,体健:良好或健全的状况2. Mental or emotional state; spirits:情绪,精神:心理或情感状态;精神:was in fine fettle.良好的精神状态3. Metallurgy Loose sand or ore used to line the hearth of a reverberatory furnace in preparation for pouring molten metal.【冶金学】 涂炉膛材料:为倒入熔化的金属作准备的用来修整反射炉炉膛的松散砂子或矿渣及物动词)  fet.tled,fet.tling,fet.tles 【冶金学】 To line the hearth of (a reverberatory furnace) with loose sand or ore in preparation for pouring molten metal.涂(炉膛):为倒入熔化的金属作准备而用松散的沙子或矿渣涂(反射炉的)炉膛语源:1. From Middle English fetlen [to make ready] 源自 中古英语 fetlen [使准备好] 2. possibly from Old English fetel [girdle] 可能源自 古英语 fetel [腰带]




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