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单词 fictitious
释义 fictitious[fik'tiʃəs]a. 假想的, 编造的, 虚伪的【法】 假定的, 假设的, 虚构的 fictitious  fic.ti.tious  AHD:  [f¹k-t¹sh“…s] D.J.  [f!k6t!.*s]K.K.  [f!k6t!.*s]adj.Abbr. fict.(形容词)缩写 fict.1. Of, relating to, or characterized by fiction; imaginary.虚构的,想象的:属于或关于虚构的故事的,或以此为特征的;想象的2. Accepted or assumed for the sake of convention:传统的:习惯上被接受了的或假定的:a fictitious belief.传统的信仰3. Adopted or assumed in order to deceive:假的:为欺骗而采纳或假定的:a fictitious name.假名4. Not genuinely believed or felt; sham:伪装的:不是真地相信或感觉的;虚伪的:greeted me with a fictitious enthusiasm.用虚伪的热情跟我打招呼语源:1. From Latin fict&9{ºcius} 源自 拉丁语 fict&9{ºcius} 2. from fictus [past participle of] fingere [to form] * see  fiction 源自 fictus  [] fingere的过去分词 [形成] *参见 fiction继承用法:ficti“tiously  adv.(副词)ficti“tiousness  n.(名词)




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