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单词 fill
释义 fill[fil]vt. 装满, 填充, 弥漫, 供给, 满足, 供应vi. 充满, 变得沉重n. 满足, 装满, 充分, 填方vt. 填充vi. 填充【计】 填充相关词组:fill sth outfill sb in onfill upfill in for...have one's fill of...fill sth in fill  fill  AHD:  [f¹l] D.J.  [f!l]K.K.  [f!l]v.(动词)  filled,,fills及物动词)1. To put into as much as can be held:填满:按可容纳量尽可能多的装入:fill a glass with milk.倒满一玻璃杯的牛奶2. To supply to the fullest extent:充满:按最大限度供给:fill a concert hall.挤满了音乐厅3. To build up the level of (low-lying land) with material such as earth or gravel.填满:用例如土或砂石等材料加高(低地的)水平4. To stop or plug up (an opening, for example).塞住:停止或阻塞(比如一个开端)5. To repair a cavity of (a tooth).填补(牙的)洞6. To add a foreign substance to (cloth or wood, for example).填加:给(例如布或木头)增加另外的物质7. To satiate, as with food and drink.吃饱喝足:如用食物和饮料使饱8. To satisfy or meet; fulfill:满足,迎合:使满意或使满足;履行:fill the requirements.See Synonyms at &b{satisfy} 满足需求参见 satisfy9. To complete (something) by insertion or addition:填入:通过插入或填加的方式完成(某事):fill in the blanks.填空10. To supply with material, such as writing, an inscription, or an illustration:补满:提供或补充材料,例如写作、描述或例证:filled the blank spaces on the page with notes.在书页空白处写满了注释11. To supply as required:充分满足:fill a prescription; fill an order.依处方供药;供应订货12. To place a person in:任职:将某人安置于某职务:fill a job vacancy.填补工作的空缺13. To possess and discharge the duties of; hold:担任:负有或执行…的责任;履行:fill a post.履行工作义务14. To occupy the whole of; pervade:充满,弥漫:全部占满;充满:Music filled the room.音乐充满了屋子15. To spread throughout:传遍:Fear filled the city.恐惧遍及全城16. To engage or occupy completely; make full:充满:全部吸引或占据;使充满:filled the child's mind with strange ideas; a story that filled our hearts with joy.使孩子的头脑中充满了古怪的想法;一则使我们心里充满了喜悦的故事17. To cover the surface of (an inexpensive metal) with a layer of precious metal, such as gold.镀:用贵重金属层例如金等覆盖(非贵金属的)表面18. Nautical 【航海】 19. To cause (a sail) to swell.张满(帆):使(船帆)鼓胀20. To adjust (a yard) so that wind will cause a sail to swell.张帆:调整(帆桁)使风可以充满帆v.intr.(不及物动词)To become full.变满n.(名词)1. An amount needed to make full, complete, or satisfied:充足:使充满、完成或满足所需要的量:eat one's fill.尽量吃2. Material for filling a container, cavity, or passage.装填物:用来填满容器、洞或通道的物质3. A built-up piece of land; an embankment.路堤:一块加高的土地;堤坝4. The material, such as earth or gravel, used for fill.筑堤用的材料:例如土或砂石,用来填充的物质常用词组:fill in  1. Informal To provide with information that is essential or newly acquired:【非正式用语】 提供消息:提供必需的或最近获得的消息:I wasn't there—would you fill me in?我不在那里——你能告诉我那的消息吗2. To act as a substitute; stand in:暂代:担任替补;临时替补:an understudy who filled in at the last minute.在最后一分钟才临时替补的演员fill out  1. To complete (a form, for example) by providing required information:填写:通过提供所需的信息使(例如形式)而完成:carefully filled out the job application.仔细填写工作申请2. To become or make more fleshy:长胖:变得或使变得更胖:He filled out after age 35.35岁之后他变胖了习惯用语:fill (someone's) shoes  To assume someone's position or duties.取代某人的职位或责任fill the bill【非正式用语】  To serve a particular purpose.满足特定目的语源:1. Middle English fillen 中古英语 fillen 2. from Old English fyllan * see  pel…- 1源自 古英语 fyllan *参见 pel…- 1




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