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单词 also
释义 also['ɒ:lsəu]ad. 也, 并且, 同样地相关词组:not only...but also... also  AHD:  [ôl“s½] D.J.  [6%8ls*&]K.K.  [6%lso]adv.(副词)1. In addition; besides.而且;此外2. Likewise; too:同样地;也:If you will stay, I will also.如果你留下来,我也要留下来conj.(连接词)And in addition:而且:It's a pretty cat, also friendly.这是只漂亮的猫,而且很友好语源:1. Middle English 中古英语 2. from Old English ealsw³ 源自 古英语 ealsw³ 3. eall [all] * see  al- 3eall [所有] *参见 al- 34. sw³ [so] * see  so 1sw³ [因此] *参见 so1参考词汇:1. also,too,likewise,besides,moreover,furthermore2. These adverbs indicate the presence of or introduce something additional. The first three generally imply that the additional element or consideration is equal in weight to what precedes it.这些副词表示出或引出附加的事物的存在。前三个词一般暗示出附加成分或考虑与前面的内容同样重要。3. Also   is more formal in tone thantoo: Also  在语气上比too更正式: If you buy a car, you'll need a parking place, too.如果你买辆车,你还将需要一个停车场地。4. Likewise   is even more formal thanalso  and may imply similarity between elements as well as equality:  Likewise  比also 更为正式并可能暗示各成分之间的平等和相似:  You forgot to mention that her parents were likewise going to attend the ceremony.你忘了提到她父母也打算去参加仪式。5. Besides   often introduces an element that reinforces what has gone before: Besides  经常引出一个加强前面内容的成份: I don't feel like cooking; besides, there's no food in the house.我不想做饭;而且家里已经没有可吃的东西了。6. Moreover  and furthermore  frequently stress the importance of what is to come: Moreover   I don't want you to go; furthermore, I forbid it. 我不想让你去,而且我也禁止你去。 用法:1. Also  is sometimes held to be inappropriate when used to begin a sentence, as in  Also  有时被认为不适于放在句子开头,如: Also, participating dealers back their work with a free lifetime service guarantee. 而且,相关经销者提供了免费终身维修的保证,有力地支持了他们的工作。 2. This example was acceptable to 63 percent of the Usage Panel, however.不过词汇用法研究小组中63%的人认为这个例子是可以接受的




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