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单词 altar
释义 altar['ɒ:ltə]n. 圣坛, 祭坛相关词组:to lead sb to the altar altar  al.tar  AHD:  [ôl“t…r] D.J.  [6%8lt*]K.K.  [6%lt+]n.(名词)1. An elevated place or structure before which religious ceremonies may be enacted or upon which sacrifices may be offered.圣坛;祭坛:架高的地点或结构,在其前面举行宗教仪式或在其上面摆放祭品2. A structure, typically a table, before which the divine offices are recited and upon which the Eucharist is celebrated in Christian churches.圣餐台:一种结构,尤指桌子,基督教教堂内在其前面念祈祷文和在其上面举行基督教圣餐语源:1. Middle English auter 中古英语 auter 2. from Old English altar 源自 古英语 altar 3. Old French auter 古法语 auter 4. both from Latin alt³re 都源自 拉丁语 alt³re




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