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单词 financial
释义 financial[fai'nænʃəl]a. 财政的, 金融的【经】 财政的, 金融的, 财务的 financial  fi.nan.cial  AHD:  [f…-n²n“sh…l, fº-] D.J.  [f*6n#n.*l, fa!-]K.K.  [f*6n#n.*l, fa!-]adj.Abbr. fin.(形容词)缩写 fin.Of, relating to, or involving finance, finances, or financiers.财政的,金融的:财政的、金融的或财政家的,与财政、金融或金融家有关的,涉及财政的、金融的或财政家的继承用法:finan“cially  adv.(副词)参考词汇:1. financial,pecuniary,fiscal,monetary2. These adjectives mean of or relating to money ( 这些形容词的意思都与钱有关( monetary considerations), but they often differ in application.货币酬金), 但它们在应用时经常是不同的。3. Financial  frequently refers to transactions involving money on a large scale: Financial  常指涉及大规模金钱的交易: Many computer software corporations are experiencing financial reverses.许多计算机软件公司在经济上遇到了挫折。4. Pecuniary  is more appropriate to the private, small-scale dealings of individuals: Pecuniary  则更适用于个体们的私人的小规模交易: He received thanks but no pecuniary compensation for his services.他的服务只得到了一句谢谢却并没有物质上的补偿。5. Fiscal   applies especially to a nation's financial practices and policies: Fiscal  特指国家财政事务及政策: The Secretary of the Treasury is the chief fiscal officer of our government.财政部长是我们政府里面的主要财政官员。6. Monetary  has special reference to the coinage, printing, or circulation of currency: Monetary  特指 货币的造币、印制与发行: The basic monetary unit of the United States is the dollar. 美国货币的基本单位是美元




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