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单词 flammable
释义 flammable['flæməbl]a. 易燃的, 可燃性的【电】 可燃的 flammable  AHD:  [fl²m“…-b…l] D.J.  [6fl#m*b*l]K.K.  [6fl#m*b*l]adj.(形容词)Easily ignited and capable of burning rapidly; inflammable.可燃的,易燃的:容易点燃和能够迅速燃烧的;可燃的语源:1. From Latin flamm³re [to set fire to] 源自 拉丁语 flamm³re [放火] 2. from flamma [flame] * see  bhel- 1源自 flamma [火焰] *参见 bhel- 1继承用法:flam”mabil“ity  n.(名词)flam“mable  n.(名词)用法:Historically,flammable and inflammable  mean the same thing. However, the presence of the prefixin-  has misled many people into assuming that inflammable  means “not flammable” or “noncombustible.” In the circumstances,it is therefore advisable to use onlyflammable  in contexts imparting warnings or on product labels, where a misinterpretation might have more serious consequences for the reader than an etymological mistake would deserve. 历史上,flammable 和 inflammable 的意思是一样的。 然而,前缀in- 的存在误导了许多人,使他们以为 inflammable 意思为“不可燃的”或“不易燃烧的”。 基于此情况,在发出警告或制作标签时,建议只用flammable ,因为解释的错误可能比词源学的错误带来的后果更严重




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