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单词 flora
释义 flora['flɒ:rə]n. 植物群【医】 植物区系, 植物丛, 植物群, 菌丛 flora  flo.ra  AHD:  [flôr“…, fl½r“…] D.J.  [6fl%8r*, 6fl*&r*]K.K.  [6fl%r*, 6flor*]n.(名词)  【复数】 flo.ras 或 flo.rae [flôr“¶”, fl½r“¶”]  1. Plants considered as a group, especially the plants of a particular country, region, or time.植物群:尤指某一特定国家、地区或时间被认为是一群落的植物2. A treatise describing the plants of a region or time.植物志:一本专门描写一个地区或一段时间内的植物群落的书3. The bacteria and other microorganisms that normally inhabit a bodily organ or part:细菌群落:通常停留在身体器官或部分的细菌群或其他微生物:intestinal flora.肠菌群语源:From Flora 源自 Flora Flora  Flo.ra  AHD:  [flôr“…, fl½r“…] D.J.  [6fl%8r*, 6fl*&r*]K.K.  [6fl%r*, 6flor*]n.Roman Mythology (名词)【罗马神话】 The goddess of flowers.芙罗拉:花神语源:1. Latin Fl½ra 拉丁语 Fl½ra 2. from fl½s  fl½r- [flower] * see  bhel- 3源自 fl½s  fl½r- [花] *参见 bhel- 3




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