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单词 Florida
释义 Florida['flɒridə]n. 佛罗里达州 Florida 1  Flor.i.da  AHD:  [flôr“¹-d…, fl¼r“-] 缩写 FL,Fla.D.J.  [6fl%8r!d*, 6flKr-]K.K.  [6fl%r!d*, 6fl$r-]NONE(无词性)A state of the southeast United States bordering on the Atlantic Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico. It was admitted as the 27th state in 1845. The peninsula was first discovered by Juan Ponce de León in 1513 and became the center of a Spanish settlement that included the southeast part of the present-day United States. Spain finally ceded the area in 1819. Tallahassee is the capital and Jacksonville the largest city. Population, 13,003,362.佛罗里达:美国东南部一州,濒临大西洋和墨西哥湾。它于1845年被定为第27个州,该半岛于1513年首先由胡安·庞斯·德·来昂发现,并成为包括现在美国东南部的西班牙人拓居地中心,西班牙最终于1819年割让了这一地区。首府塔拉哈西,最大城市杰克逊维尔。人口13,003,362继承用法:Florid“ian  AHD:  [fl…-r¹d“¶-…n]  或 Flor“i.dan [-¹d-n] (形容词)(名词) Florida 2  Florida,Straits of。 Also &b{Florida Strait.}  NONE(无词性)A sea passage between Cuba and the Florida Keys, linking the Gulf of Mexico with the Atlantic Ocean.佛罗里达海峡:古巴和佛罗里达岛之间将墨西哥湾和大西洋连接起来的海上通道




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