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单词 fluff
释义 fluff[flʌf]n. 软毛, 柔毛, 绒毛, 错误, 无价值的东西vi. 起毛, 变松, 出错vt. 使起毛, 抖松, 念错 fluff  fluff  AHD:  [fl¾f] D.J.  [flJf]K.K.  [flJf]n.(名词)1. Light down or fuzz, as on a young bird or on a dandelion or milkweed seed.绒毛,软毛:如长在小鸟身上、蒲公英或马利筋属植物种子上的轻软绒毛2. Something having a very light, soft, or frothy consistency or appearance:似绒毛的东西:具有很轻、软或多泡的属性或外观的物品:a fluff of meringue; a fluff of cloud.松软的蛋白酥皮饼;柔软的云团3. Something of little substance or consequence, especially:小东西:微小或无关紧要的东西,尤指:4. Light or superficial entertainment:浮浅的娱乐:轻浮或浮浅的娱乐:The movie was just another bit of fluff from Hollywood.这部电影不过是好莱坞的又一闹剧5. Inflated or padded material:凭添无用的材料:膨胀或填满的东西:The report was mostly fluff, with little new information.这份报导只有一点点新讯息,其他的都是废话6. Informal An error, especially in the delivery of lines, as by an actor or announcer.【非正式用语】 失误:尤指如演员或报幕员的台词错误v.(动词)  fluffed,,fluffs及物动词)1. To make fluffy:使松软:fluff a pillow; a squirrel fluffing out its tail.使枕头松软;一只弄松大尾巴的松鼠2. Informal 【非正式用语】 3. To ruin or mar by a mistake or blunder:搞糟,失去:因错误或冒失而搞糟或损坏:They fluffed their chance to participate in the playoffs by losing their last three games.他们因输掉了最后三场比赛而失去了参加加时赛的机会4. To forget or botch (one's lines).忘记或说错了(台词)v.intr.(不及物动词)1. To become fluffy.变得松软2. Informal To make an error, especially to forget or botch one's lines.【非正式用语】 忘词:尤指犯了忘记或说错台词的错误语源:[Origin unknown] [词源不明]




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