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单词 fluid
释义 fluid['flu:id]n. 液体, 分泌液, 流体a. 流动的, 可改变的【化】 流体【医】 液体, 液; 流质的 fluid  AHD:  [fl›“¹d] D.J.  [6flu8!d]K.K.  [6flu!d]n.Abbr. fl,fl.(名词)缩写 fl,fl.A continuous, amorphous substance whose molecules move freely past one another and that has the tendency to assume the shape of its container; a liquid or gas.流体:一种分子之间能自由移动并有随容器形状变化趋势的连续的、无定形的物质;液体或气体adj.(形容词)1. Of, relating to, or characteristic of a fluid.流体的:流体的、有关流体的或有流体特性的2. Readily reshaped; pliable.易被重塑的;柔韧的3. Smooth and flowing; graceful:流畅的,优美的:顺畅而有流动感的;优雅的:the fluid motion of a cat.猫的优美动作4. Changing or tending to change; variable:变化的:变化的或有变化趋势的;可变的:a fluid situation fraught with uncertainty.充满不稳定因素的动荡局势5. Characterized by or allowing social mobility:社会脉动的:以社会可动性为特征的或允许社会变动的:“Everyone seems to . . . share in an intricate set of lore from the past and present whose deliciousness somehow would be ruined if Britain were a truly fluid society”(&b{Nicholas Lemann})“每个人看上去…都拥有这样一套从过去和现在的经历中得来的复杂的知识,而如果英国社会动脉真的不流畅的话,这种知识的有趣就将或多或少地遭到破坏”(尼古拉斯·里曼恩)6. Convertible into cash:可兑换成现金的:fluid assets.流动资产语源:1. From Middle English [flowing] 源自 中古英语 [流动] 2. from Old French fluide 源自 古法语 fluide 3. from Latin fluidus 源自 拉丁语 fluidus 4. from fluere [to flow] * see  bhleu- 源自 fluere [流] *参见 bhleu- 继承用法:fluid“ity  AHD:  [-¹d“¹-t¶]  或 flu“id.ness (名词)flu“idly  adv.(副词)




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